
[Applause] Oh [Applause] You For Foree fore For infinity infinity Infinity this my bir infinity infinity infinity your bir infinity infinity infinity my infinity infinity infinity infinity infinity infinity my infity infinity infinity this is My for foree foreign fore spee Speee She thanks you so cool oh thank you Ki but I don’t care if I’m cool or not I care about Love and my I’m going to show you my love and passion my love So I got my boots got last and I’m doing it up with the black I work my but I know it don’t matter all we need is this world some love 1 [Applause] 2 I you you You Foreign speech speech speech Spee Foree It’s not an easy let every everyone Know spee spee spe Spee N Sh I know Speee [Applause] Don’t [Applause] W [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] N [Applause] Umbrella Please leave it in the umbrella stie Dre First Baby [Applause] Baby I

2024年3月16日(土) のユニバの様子です。


11:00 ユニバ入園



15:00 アウト


#ユニバーサルスタジオ #ユニバーサルスタジオジャパン #ユニバvlog #ユニバ #universalstudios #universalstudiosjapan #クロミ #クロミライブ #usj #usjvlog #usj攻略 #usjパレード

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