【NIKONIKO】妮媽來了–澳洲雪梨–霍格華茲|免費入園 |拍照 |玩耍『全攻略』–雪梨必玩行程DAY2

Nik’s Mom~ People would mock me as “Nima”. Nik’s Mom? Asking about your mom. It’s my mom. So it’s Nik’s Mom. Then, what about Nik’s Mom? It means scolding your mom!!!! Sydney Must-Do Day 2 NIKONIKO That’s right!! TIME TO TRAVEL Walk towards the tram station in front of the City Hall.

You won’t miss it. This beautiful ancient building is St. Andrew’s Cathedral. St. Andrew’s Cathedral You can clearly contrast If the Victoria Building is a grand circular dome-style neoclassical architecture, Then St. Andrew’s Cathedral is characterized by pointed spires and pointed window frames Gothic architecture! We are super lucky That today is Sunday.

There are worship activities in the church. Allowing us to see the interior of the church The beautiful architecture and decorations And you can also enjoy the heavenly choral choir It really makes us feel connected with God So Nik’s Mom suggests everyone to visit the church You can choose to come on Sunday

Maybe you can be as lucky as us To witness the choir’s live performance BUT Nik’s Mom’s hungry So we have to take the tram first Go to The Rocks for lunch And now we are at St. Andrew’s Cathedral at the City Hall Then we have to take the tram Let’s go let’s go

Breakfast must be delicious and hearty Let Nik’s Mom eat her fill Only then will we have the energy to complete our exciting (exhausting) Sydney itinerary So I chose to have brunch in The Rocks, boasting a Google rating of 4.9 stars Brunch~~ There is no way I bring my mom to Starbucks

Of course, we have to go Inside this nearby alley That’s right This place has very, very, very good business We have to wait for a while We also have to line up What should we do? Are you hungry? Yes Okay, then let’s queue up 30 minutes later

How have you been feeling these two days in Sydney, Mom? Life is very leisurely Your first time here Is there any cultural shock? What feels different? Compared to us The difference is very big Because here People from various countries Ah, and then

I don’t understand any words the people are saying around me There are also people speaking Indian There are also people speaking Malay There are English speakers There are also languages from other countries that I don’t understand Obviously, they look the same as us But what they say is completely different from us

And the architecture? Is very modern But there are some older buildings Which are classicalAnd And It’s quite magnificent Exquisite Like a church Later we’re going to The St.Mary’s Cathedral You’ll see an even more beautiful church soon Alright, let’s look forward to it This time I ordered the famous dish in the restaurant

Indonesian Beef Rice And Smoked Salmon Turmeric Rice The portion is huge Just replenishing the energy for breakfast Now we’re having this Indonesian brunch This food we lined up for just now Let me see if it’s good Let’s take a look, this is the Indonesian Beef Mmm~~~~~~ It tastes delicious

Nik’s Mom just took a bite Is it good? Delicious Really delicious No disappointment? Nope Very delicious As expected of the Google-rated 4.9 brunch And for Mom This smoked salmon colorful rice Let’s try it His rice really feels “Sticky”!! Like our glutinous rice, right? Sticky rice

Much tastier than what we had on the plane yesterday Nik’s Mom complained all the way The food on the plane was too awful Couldn’t finish it Could Niko never get sponsored by airlines again in her life? What is this? Prawn cracks? Yes, prawn cracks Colorful prawn cracks Do we dip this?

Dip sauce, dip sauce Niko wants to specially mention here The sauce that comes with this I have to say this chili sauce is really good This chili sauce is certified by Nik’s Mom Nik’s Mom also thinks this chili sauce is super delicious she wants to use it for that Oyster omelette dipping sauce

For those who come to Sydney You really should come here and try Try this Indonesian brunch But the price is not low It’s alright Nik’s Mom hasn’t adapted yet To the restaurant prices in Australia It’s okay! I’ll pay Flat white, unique to Australia Let’s try it Is the coffee flavor strong? Very strong

Very fragrant Because Australia’s Flat white is More intense in coffee flavor than cappuccino Less milk Give it a try Let’s try this café’s flat white Its carbon taste is heavy Delicious Walking around here feels leisurely, right? No one cares about you~~ No one gives you a second glance These alleys have that

Alley café culture feeling People selling coffee everywhere Right Yeah This one very narrow Like the lanes in Breast Touching Alley Slightly wider than Breast Touching Alley Narrow alley I feel its brick walls have An ancient feeling Feels very historic Exotic Feels great Full and satisfied, Nik’s Mom also became an Australian tour guide

This is from the early British settlers in Australia Back in those early days, The Mrs./ Sir The ladies/gentlemen, Their style Was very distinct From vintage alleys to the main streets of The Rocks You can feel it everywhere Australia’s laid-back coffee culture Next stop Let’s go and experience The magical atmosphere

We just got off at Wynyard Station We’re heading to Birdcage Walk now My daughter wants to take me to Birdcage Walk To see the Harry Potter vibes Are there any parrots up there? Not parrots! Owls Nik’s Mom asked How come there are no owls in this Birdcage Walk? Has that magical

That kind of atmosphere, right?! Yeah, they should have put owls, right? Yeah, white owls Hey, Hedwig Where are you? Hedwig~~ Feels very much like Harry Potter That kind of feel Let’s go to The ANZAC War Memorial The memorial for the New Zealand-Australia Joint Forces

Nik’s Mom thinks the trees are prettier than the memorial Right? Yeah! Look at this Like fireworks Great season The so-called ANZAC Is to commemorate those who sacrificed in World War I The joint forces of Australia and New Zealand Australian and New Zealand Army Corps So every city Has its own ANZAC Memorial

It’s one of Australia’s important historical cultures! We’re now at Hyde Park Right across from it is St. Mary’s Cathedral This is its side view Looks very spectacular from the side Wow~ The head looks so big Nik’s Mom is very dissatisfied with my photography skills Hey, you want to take me like this

So now he’s taking a selfie You want to take me like this Do you know? Want to capture the sky Want to capture the ground Want to capture me Following the sounds designed for blind people on the Australian roads beep beep beep Crossing along the road

We’ll soon see St. Mary’s Cathedral. The front of St. Mary’s Cathedral, a super obvious Gothic-style building with twin towers. It’s really a killer shot for videos! Let’s find out now. Is Niko’s photography better, or is Nik’s Mom’s stronger? After shooting St. Mary’s Cathedral, Nik and Nik’s Mom are now on the bus. We’re heading to the University of Sydney. The university in Sydney. Mommy! is like an elementary school student going on a field trip, learning to take the bus. Learning to take the bus.

These past two days, we’ve been taking buses and trams all the time, going through a bit of a hassle, but we finally made it to the University of Sydney in Camperdown. We’re now heading towards the inside of the University of Sydney. We’re going to find Hogwarts. We’re inside the University of Sydney now.

I’m a bit confused about the direction now, but the buildings all look very beautiful. Nik’s Mom is already having trouble keeping up. Mommy are you feeling tired now? Tired. Tired. Entering this university, the University of Sydney, the top university in academia. it’s really tiring. Didn’t come here to study,

Just to see the architecture, and yet so tired. So out of breath. Studying is tiring enough, imagine envying admiring this university. After a series of long and arduous uphill climbs, Niko finally brought Nik’s Mom to our destination on this journey!! We’re now at Hogwarts in the University of Sydney, the main building.

Besides the new married couples, there are also many Did everyone see? This Graduates come here to take photos. Seeing so many new married couple, you know that every corner of the University of Sydney is a good place for photography. But one thing to clarify with everyone is

Although the University of Sydney is called Little Hogwarts, the “Harry Potter” movies themselves have never been filmed at the University of Sydney. It’s just because the architectural style is similar that people often joke that the University of Sydney is Hogwarts. This is the Great Hall. The Great Hall. After all,

Where will this secret passage lead us? Let’s continue to find out. Oh~ I didn’t expect that wandering around inside the University of Sydney could lead to discovering this amazing creative and colorful little world The staircase as well Is it beautiful? Graffiti wall I don’t know if it’s beautiful or not

But it’s very special Very free It’s very free here I didn’t expect Nik’s Mom, who’s super old school, to be so hip-hop like this Next stop, we arrive at Darling Harbour Darling Harbour We’ve arrived at the Maritime Museum now Just met a kind Taiwanese gentleman on the tram

He told me to get off at this stop So now that we’ve gotten off here, we can go take The ferry Now walking here, you can see warships and a lighthouse And this pier has a lot of boats docked Sailboats We’re now at the Australian National Maritime Museum Maritime Museum

It’s already past 5 pm now So this Maritime Museum is already closed The one behind me is a submarine I wonder if it can still move And then behind me, there’s the lighthouse Right here Mommy, are your feet sore? There happens to be a beautiful sunset right now

Plus the pirate ship behind me We used to take pirate ships when we went to Bali!! We had to go up and sing And we held events on the pirate ship So cool Yeah! So fun~ And here, we all had one like this And tied a bandana Pretended to be pirates

And Dad was the captain And he had to sing Nik’s Mom, let’s take the ferry Mom is very tired~ Mom is super tired! Nik’s Mom~ People will scold me “Nima” Nik’s Mom? Asking your mom It’s my mom So it’s Nik’s Mom Then Nik’s Mom is scolding your mom!!!!

We’re about to board the ferry now Have your Opal card ready Let’s go We’re boarding the ship Boarding the ship!! We’re heading towards the deck That’s where we can see the night view WOW That’s good We’re on the deck~ The main purpose of Niko arranging to take the ferry at night

Is, of course, to admire the night view of Sydney!! Not only are the buildings illuminated in various colors but the sea reflects the bustle of Sydney even more And also Niko is eagerly anticipating the beautiful silhouette of the Sydney Harbour Bridge This is definitely one of the highlights

Of the Sydney night view that you mustn’t miss!!! Taking the ferry in Sydney at night has another major highlight which is the super sparkling Luna Park We’ve disembarked at Luna Park We’re going to see Luna Park now There’s no entrance fee for Luna Park

Unless you want to play the amusement rides, then you need to pay Does Nik’s Mom want to play any amusement rides? No! Don’t want to spend money! Nik’s Mom is stingy like me, right?! I can ride that Teacup ride You mean that spinning teacup? Not sure if they have it Let’s go check

Also Bumper cars!! Bumper cars Mom, look, they also have ring toss Their ring toss is very small Not easy to toss onto it After tossing, you can exchange for a sloth I don’t want a sloth Too ugly Does Nik’s Mom want to ride the bumper cars? No, thanks~ We’re the stingy duo

Here to see the free stuff I think the biggest advantage of coming to Luna Park is no entrance fee Unless you want to play these amusement rides then you need to spend money So you can come in and take pictures of this Coney Island You can come take pictures of this beautiful castle

And you can also come take pictures of this beautiful Ferris wheel And Luna Park’s facade which is that big toothy grin Big face This is a very good place for night photography I recommend everyone to take the ferry here We’re leaving Luna Park now Continuing to take the ferry to Circular Quay!!!

Let’s go Mommy Okay!! Boarding the ship! Boarding the ship~~ It’s dinner time!! Dinner time Mom is hungry, Nik’s Mom is hungry After visiting Luna Park Our highlight for the night, of course, is the evening light show at the Opera House This is an absolute must-see in Sydney, you can’t miss it!!

The dazzling Circular Quay along with the ferry lights coming and going and the shimmering reflection of the Opera House It’s really breathtaking So for friends who come to Sydney be sure to experience this super worthwhile ferry ride! We’re now at Circular Quay station You can see it’s crowded all around

You can tell it’s a very busy station All the ferries Trams Trains are all gathered here Very busy Last day in Sydney Let’s end today’s session with the light show at the Opera House Bye-bye~ Okay!! That concludes our Sydney trip for today Please support NIKONIKO Remember to subscribe like and share

See you next time with Nikoniko In Melbourne Goodbye Support Nik’s Mom please Thank you~~

你知道去 #雪梨自助行 可以超級省錢嗎?
還有【 #霍格華茲 】嗎?!!!!!

這次就讓 【NIKONIKO 妮可&妮媽】 帶你好好玩一遍

00:17 聖安德烈大教堂
01:46 雪梨超狂GOOGLE 評分早午餐
05:02 澳洲也有摸乳巷?!!
06:04 雪梨魔法貓頭鷹
06:56 ANZAC 紐澳聯軍紀念館
07:33 海德公園&聖瑪莉大教堂
08:30 雪大霍格華茲–我來啦!!!!
11:10 雪梨達令港-坐渡輪看夜景啦
14:06 坐渡輪-免費入園月神公園
16:19 雪梨歌劇院夜晚光雕秀!!!!!!
【NIKONIKO 】熱門影片快搜▼▼



《澳洲打工渡假-新包必備清單 part 1》

《澳洲打工-新包必備清單 part 2》

《妮可陪你逛—澳洲四大超市 Part 1》

《澳洲物價知多少—澳洲四大超市 Part 2》

《澳洲打工渡假—【找房】全攻略 + 性騷恐怖經驗談》


也可以追蹤我的Instagram: NIKO_NIKO_CHU

1 Comment

  1. 大家知道嗎? 當你的OPAL CARD用到一定的金額,當天就不會再扣款了,所以妮可與妮媽當天坐了電車坐了公車,晚上要搭渡輪就都免費啦~~~~~!!!!回程的電車也都完全不用錢唷!!!!是不是非常的省呢!?

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