20th UT ARCHIVE Launch Celebration Project

To celebrate the release of 20th UT Archive Collection, which is now available by
popular demand, we had interviews with up and coming creators active in a variety of genres.

They spoke about the key points of their craftsmanship that will never fade in time. Don’t miss out on their creative styles and which T-shirts they picked out

Dancer RISAJIRI @risajiri_1228

20th UT ARCHIVE Street Fighter UT

RISAJIRI was born in 1999.
She started dancing at the age of 6, and performed in music videos in junior high and high school. She performed in music videos of ”EXILE”, ”E girls”, ‘’ Shonan no kaze ”, etc., and was a support dancer for EXILE’s “tower of wish” tour

After graduating from high school, she went to LA to study dance, where she established her own dance style . After returning to Japan from LA, she held
workshops in China and other countries. RISAJIRI’s dance and her unique aura are now popular both in Japan and overseas . She has regular lessons mainly in Tokyo, and many students attend her lessons held in various regions and oversea.


#UTARCHIVE #Forevertimeless #UTアーカイプ #いつ着たってあたらしい

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