瑠璃光院に秋季の特別拝観|京都 2023.12

oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nestled at the Western base of Mount hi in the northern mountainous area of Yas Rico in is the former Villa of a magi period Statesman with resplendant residential architecture that was later converted into a temple open only in the fresh spring aumi season and The Fall coyo season ruro in is particularly famous for their second floor view full of lush maple leaves that reflect on the building’s polished interior despite its relatively steep entrance fee Rico in’s Beauty and nature remote location more than make the trip worth it for those looking to see something memorable ruro in is the former Villa of Prince sanjo sanomi a prominent Imperial Noble and Mai period politician this Villa called kikaku was renovated in the 1930s by a master architect of the suzuri residential style Nakamura sooji during this period the gardens were added by a well-known Garden designer of the time twio sometime after this renovation The Villa came to be home to a Buddhist altar that enshrines Amit bab Buddha the Buddha of immeasurable life and light and became a temple named ruo in spelled with the conj characters for lapis lazuli light fo this fore foree [Applause] spee speech spee for spee for [Music] you for spee spee spee fore spee foree spee forign spee oh you you got you make [Music] [Music] sh [Laughter] [Music] and [Music]


比叡山の麓に位置し、四季折々に色づく景観が古来より人々を惹きつける京都・八瀬。この地にあり、春と秋には多くの人々が訪れる名所となっているのが、無量寿山光明寺 京都本院 瑠璃光院です。



〒601-1255 京都府京都市左京区上高野東山55番地
TEL 075-781-4001
WEB http://rurikoin.komyoji.com/lp/en/

General Admission: ¥2,000


General Admission: 10:00 – 16:30
Open: Late Spring (4/15 – 6/15), Fall (10/1 – first Sunday in December)


Eizan Train Line ⇒ Yase Hieizan-guchi Station ⇒ 5 minutes walking
Kyoto Bus ⇒ Yase Eki-mae Bus Stop ⇒ 7 minutes walking
Hieizan Cable Car ⇒ Yase Station ⇒ 5 minutes walking

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