春の京都 桜巡り 2024_07 岡崎疏水

This year, 2024, Someiyoshino cherry blossoms bloomed very late. As you can see, the Someiyoshino cherry trees in Okazaki Canal on April 1st last year were in full bloom. Many tourists were also enjoying the event from the Jukokubune. The situation on April 1st of this year is… As you can see, there aren’t many flowers yet. It was just a little early cherry blossoms blooming. The Jukokubune was full. I hope you enjoy it by changing your perspective… It’s a clear blue sky today. The cherry blossoms in bloom and the vermilion torii gate of Heian Shrine stood out against this blue sky. In front of a cherry tree with a few flowers in bloom, You can also see people pointing their smartphones at the cherry blossoms. Since April 1st was like this, I visited Okazaki Park again on the 9th. Unfortunately it was cloudy on this day. Tokusei Bridge on Higashioji Street spans the canal. There are cherry blossoms in full bloom. This cherry tree is called Hosoizakura. It is a hybrid of Karamizakura and Someiyoshino, and blooms a little earlier than Someiyoshino. It is one of the cherry blossoms born in Kyoto. Other cherry blossoms along the canal were also in full bloom. As I walked along the canal, looking up at the cherry blossoms, a Jukokubune came along. When I looked at the boat, I saw that there was only one passenger. Chartered cherry blossom viewing cruise. It’s a luxury. Proceed further along the path along the canal. The cherry blossoms next to ROHM Theater Kyoto were also in full bloom. If only it were sunny now~ Despite this thought, I enjoyed taking photos of the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Unfortunately, the sky was cloudy that day, but the cherry blossoms in full bloom were a sight to behold. Cherry blossoms in full bloom at Okazaki Canal. How was it? If you like this video, I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment or give it a high rating. Please also subscribe to the channel. See you again in the next video. This guide was Yaya. Access from Kyoto Station. From Kyoto Station Karasumaguchi A1 bus stop, take the 5th bus. Get off at Okazaki Park Art Museum/Heian Jingu-mae or Okazaki Park Zoo-mae. It takes approximately 35 minutes. It’s a short walk after getting off.


0:00 イントロ
0:22 快晴の4月1日 チラホラ咲
1:22 曇り空の4月9日 満開
4:20 エンディング
4:38 京都駅からのアクセス

#京都 #京都桜 #京都観光 #桜並木 #岡崎疏水 #十石舟 #京都市バス #一日乗車券


次回更新 4月6日月曜日 20時  春の京都 桜巡り 2024_08 府立植物園


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  1. こんばんは😌👋🌃⭐♥🐢

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