ちょっと残酷で物悲しい武家屋敷に住む家族と天才柔道家・西郷四郎【福島県会津若松市 会津武家屋敷編】The Wonder Mystery Tour Book in Aizu Bukeyashiki


Aizu Buke Yashiki in Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture.
You will get to know the samurai of the Edo period who harbor sad stories.
And you can see Shiro Saigo, a judoist who became the model for the famous novel and Akira Kurosawa’s movie “Sanshiro Sugata”.
During the Meiji era, he was invincible with his signature technique called yama-arashi.

奇行旅図鑑 会津武家屋敷編
The Wonder Mystery Tour Book in Aizu Bukeyashiki

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