【Mt.Fuji tour in Yamanashi🗻】🚗新倉山浅間公園、ほうとう歩成、御殿場アウトレット、中華料理 GWおすすめ

Mt.Fuji tour in Yamanashi start!!
Departing from Tokyo
Mt.Fuji right in front of you
Arriving at the Arakurayama Sengen Park
Walking in the park
There are 400 steps
The cherry blossoms in full bloom are very beautiful
Five-story pagoda (五重の塔)
The cherry blossoms falling like snow are so beautiful
Atrain to get to the observation deck
The observation deck is only 5minutes away
You can see the beatiful view of Mt.Fuji
I will return happy
Next destination
Fuji-Q Highland(amusement park)is nearby
I saw a lot of rental bycyles
Drive around Lake Kawaguchi
It’s lunch time
This is restaurant that a celebrity introduced on YouTube yesterday
It’s a Houtou restaurant called Funari
Reception by machine
Menu selection
A toast with non-alcolic beer and peach juice
Eat Houtou
Houtou is a local dish representative of Yamanashi
Thick noodles similar to Udon
Next destination
Arrived at Gotemba Premium Outlets
I like because there are so many attractive brands
Very spacious
This was the only thing Icould buy
I’ll have dinner nearby
I’ts Chinese restrant called Meitetu Saikan
I decident on the 4200yen course
Everything was delicious
Dessert is almond tofu
Returning home
Thank you warching



I went on a drive to Yamanashi in April 2024 🚗

The cherry blossoms in full bloom and the beautiful Mt. Fuji were a spectacular sight 🗻✨



00:00 Mt. fuji tour in Yamanashi start!!
00:14 東京を出発
00:33 富士山が見える
00:43 新倉山浅間公園に到着
00:58 公園内へ
03:23 展望台
04:27 街の風景、車窓から
05:19 歩成(ほうとう)
07:35 御殿場プレミアムアウトレット
08:30 名鉄菜館(中華料理)




ほうとう 歩成







🚆 2024お正月熱海旅行 (ホテルニューアカオ)

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