50元吃3家店!點心2元-7元!?最平茶樓!酒店價格99元!CP值極高!驚喜不斷!好好吃啊!便宜又美味!平到你唔信!最強美食旅遊推薦!佛山!路邊店!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#旅遊 #美食 #酒店

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/GTRWR6TGxGAusTZd7
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/69/2nMh
餐廳消費:豬肉球 ¥6,馬仔 ¥3,糯米糍 ¥3
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/UXm1FbavShd2PQwm8
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/50/ePZK
餐廳消費:咖哩牛雜套餐 ¥35
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/RbFcwQAbJ52LKri19
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/a7/wu6
餐廳消費:薑汁豆腐花 ¥6
禪城在晉朝時稱為季華鄉,東晉隆安二年(398年),罽賓國(今克什米爾)僧人達毘耶舍攜帶三尊銅佛像傳教,建造塔坡寺。 僧人回國後,塔坡寺因年久失修而倒塌。 唐朝貞觀二年(628年),居民在佛寺故址挖到銅佛三尊及碑碣,有石刻對聯,上聯:“勝地驟開一千年前青山我是佛”,下聯:“蓮花極頂五 百年後說法起何人”,橫額:“塔坡寺佛”。 後來居民重建佛寺,按照碑碣之意刻上石榜“佛山·唐貞觀二年”,從此人們認為此地為佛家之山,又稱“佛山初地”,並把季華鄉改為佛山,簡稱 “禪”。 明朝正統十四年(1449年),農民起義軍將領黃蕭養帶隊進攻佛山,當地豪紳招募義勇將起義軍擊退。 明景泰三年(1452年),明朝皇帝以佛山抵禦起義軍有功,敕封佛山為“忠義鄉”,自此“佛山”與“忠義鄉”兩名並存。
清朝,禪城稱為佛山堡,也稱佛山鎮。 雍正十一年(1733年),佛山從南海縣分出,設立“佛山直隸廳”,由廣州府直轄。 雍正十二年(1734年),“佛山直隸廳”更為“廣州府佛山分府”,由廣州同知與南海縣共同管轄。 民國元年(1912年),南海縣政府從廣州遷回佛山,佛山分府改為佛山鎮,隸屬於南海縣第四區。 民國14年(1925年),國民政府將佛山鎮從南海縣分出,成立佛山市,直屬廣東省管轄。 民國16年(1927年),國民政府將佛山市改為佛山鎮,劃歸南海縣管轄。 民國30年(1941年),佛山鎮隸屬於南海縣佛山特別區。 民國35年(1936年)9月1日,南海縣政府以民治2116號訓令,將佛山特別區下轄的汾文鎮、富福鎮、佛山鎮合併為佛山鎮。
Chancheng belonged to Baiyue during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It belonged to Panyu County from the Qin Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, to Nanhai County from the Sui Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, to Xianning County during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, and to Nanhai County from the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.
Chan City was called Jihua Township in the Jin Dynasty. In the second year of Long’an in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (398), a monk from Jibin State (now Kashmir), Davi Yasa, brought three bronze Buddha statues to preach and built Tapo Temple. After the monks returned home, Tapo Temple collapsed due to disrepair. In the second year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (628), residents excavated three bronze Buddhas and tablets at the former site of the Buddhist temple. There were stone couplets, the first couplet: “The resort suddenly opened a thousand years ago on the green mountain, I am the Buddha”, the second couplet: “The lotus tops the five Who will tell the truth a hundred years later?” The banner reads: “Buddha of Tapo Temple.” Later, the residents rebuilt the Buddhist temple and engraved the stone tablet “Foshan in the second year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty” according to the meaning of the stele. From then on, people considered this place to be the mountain of Buddhism, also known as “the first place of Foshan”, and changed Jihua Township to Foshan, abbreviated to “Zen”. In the 14th year of the Zhengtong reign of the Ming Dynasty (1449), Huang Xiaoyang, a peasant uprising general, led an attack on Foshan. The local gentry recruited volunteers to repel the uprising army. In the third year of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty (1452), the emperor of the Ming Dynasty used Foshan to resist the uprising army and named Foshan “Zhongyi Township”. Since then, the two names “Foshan” and “Zhongyi Township” have coexisted.
In the Qing Dynasty, Chancheng was called Foshan Fort, also known as Foshan Town. In the eleventh year of Yongzheng (1733), Foshan was separated from Nanhai County and the “Foshan Zhili Department” was established, which was directly under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou Prefecture.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
01:15 佛山福寧路/街坊食堂/大笨像小吃店/豬肉球/馬仔/糯米糍
09:55 衛國路/舊城區/大醫院
13:10 祖廟路/撈淼咖哩牛雜/咖哩牛雜套餐
18:08 祖廟週邊飯店推廣/300元酒店性價比推薦
23:33 垂虹路/大排檔美食推薦
31:59 同濟豆腐花/6元一大碗清甜豆腐花
41:00 梁園遊玩攻略
43:27 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #dim sum #Chinese # Food Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #點心 #茶樓 #飯店 #美食 #旅遊 #佛山 #小吃店 #豬肉球 #馬仔 #糯米糍 #咖哩牛雜 # 豆腐花 #food tourism #food tour china #chinese food street #china tour vlog #china tour guide #vlog china #vlog travel #vlog study


  1. If I am visiting a place, I want to eat whatever I want. But if I live there, then I don’t mind the “cheap eat”.

  2. 佳寧娜旁邊的老牌食店是 大可以. 香港來回佛山祖庙(佳寧娜酒店總站) 共有2間直通巴士公司 中旅和永東 ,永東經常在週五 14:0018:00在 抖音直播 單程佛山回香港 29.9人仔(去程要另買 ,無特價). 用APP購買 來回票 比在票務部買會更便宜! 票價中旅比永東便宜一點(但班次是永東更多),而且 永東票價港幣和人仔是一樣的!!,然後 中旅的來回票, 回程可以選 OPEN票(180天內使用即可),永東則沒有彈性.最後,永東買票時可以選 座位號碼(當然直接往票務部購買, 服務員不會問你).
    其實 老城區有很多超便宜的食店. 務必使用美團!!! 祖庙路有 尊宝比薩 18元(8吋)(好像東方廣場附近也有分店) , 昇平路:天海酒家二人餐 鼓汁䒱魚+啫啫雞煲+白灼青菜 38元, 國瑞昇平里 也有很多新的食店 二人燒烤餐 43元(不過店提供的調料和食材一般,但環境寛闊.東方廣場 /得勝樓 牛肉火鍋二人餐 48 /58元 牛腩任食二人餐 48元.高基街(梁園附近): 楊國福麻辣燙 有 11.8元餐, 木桶飯 即抄小菜套餐 10元起 紅燒福壽魚(全條) 24元(白飯任添),煲仔飯 20元左右 華萊士 必吃 18.8元 全隻 炸/燒雞,還有1.2元3件的 黑椒雞塊, 4.8元的炸漢堡! 此外,華強廣場內,也有很多食店,

  3. 多謝介绍…佛山是本人考慮退休點之一,畢生經常收看閣下與太太(貓姐)行街市揾好野食/佛山是最靠近廣州城市之一?另想問佛山現在樓價平均是多少¥1M?

  4. 蓮花路應記雲吞麵 ,老字號酒家珠江酒樓飲茶(干蒸腸粉)點菜都好吃 ,修記牛雜 ,嶺南天地附近金東口生蠔腸粉枸杞葉豬雜湯都ok

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