The Ultimate Uganda Market Tour πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬ vA 102

I walk around the busy markets of Kampala, making friends and discovering the delicacies Uganda has to offer.

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#uganda #kampala #africa


  1. Ufffffff que horror de pais, todo lleno de basura y sucio, Africa un continente maravillosos y su gente no lo cuida………………..saludos para ti Ives y gracias por mostrar esa triste realidad

  2. I think luganda is a mix of Kikuyu and luhyaπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ . I think Bantus are kinda similar πŸ˜‚. Love from Kenya❀❀

  3. 😒😒😒motorcycle guys please next a void over charging visitors how can you charge 15000 just for a short distance like this

  4. Teacher you are so funny mbu we dont know how the nsenene come ha ha also the pharmacy story was new

  5. Kampala look exactly like a bigger version of Kisii town in Kenya, very chaotic, busy and overpopulated with motorbikes, anyway I like Eddie he is very friendly and can also make a good tour guide

  6. This is hilarious.🀣!!! That woman peeping from under the table is asking if you have a wife.ha ha haπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚!!!!

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