京都嵐山必吃的米其林三🌟懷石料理|Kyoto Arashiyama MUST-EAT – Kitcho Kaiseki Culinary Journey🤤 #kyoto #japantravel

Hey there welcome to Kito arashiyama a Michelin three star restaurant where I had one of the most unforgettable dining experiences in kilo Japan trust me this place is legendary for its incredible kaisaki quizzing founded by Chef taiichi Yuki in 1948 kisho has been setting the standard for Japanese P for decades from the

Fresh Sashimi to the perfectly grilled Delights every dish was a work of art I mean I’ve never tasted anything like this before it was like a symphony of flavors dancing on my palette but wait it gets better this Vibe here it’s so chill and laid back even though you’re dining in

This fancy Japanese vintage Garden it’s like stepping into a whole other world so whether you’re a foodie ftic or just up for an epic meal kashama is the spot to be trust me your taste buds are in for a wild bride

🔎Instagram: patthaipat https://www.instagram.com/patthaipat/
📩Contact me: ph961@nyu.edu

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And welcome to @Pattiepat派蒂’s channel everyone!

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[about me]
A travel junkie who’s all about diving and sometimes singing🎤, and I’m totally hooked on Detective Conan, lol! 😄 Can’t wait to share all the giggles and good vibes from my travels with you guys! 🥰
Subscribe to my channel and join me as I fly, swim, dive, shop, eat through the world! 😉

💕Connect with ME on 📱👇:
♥ instagram:@patthaipat; https://www.instagram.com/patthaipat/
♥ weibo 微博:@pattiepat399
♥ bilibili 嗶哩嗶哩:@派蒂pattiepat
♥ xiaohongshu 小红书:派蒂Pattiepat
♥ 商业合作 Business Inquiries:ph961@nyu.edu

I upload every weeeeek! 不出意外的話,我每週都會上傳一個視頻~


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