🌺盆梅展🌺大和郡山城から春の便り🏯櫓の中で観る梅の盆栽と庭園の梅の花が奈良に春を告げる🏯Japanese Castle🌺Bonsai world(Plum blossom)Nara Japan🌺

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#奈良 #梅 #盆栽 #bonsai #plum #blossom #庭 #garden #nara #sightseeing #castle

The “Bonbai exhibition”, which withstands cold winter, and the powerful vitality of the plums that finally bloomed shakes the mind, gives healing and energy, and brings spring to the castle town of Yamatokoriyama🌺

Approximately 120 bowls of Bonbai can be enjoyed in the harsh atmosphere of the Yagura, a rare place in Japan🏯

Weeping plums are planted in the outer yard of the turret, so you can enjoy plums both indoors and outdoors🌺🌳

In addition, this year, the “moving zoo” was held mainly on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the event period🐤🐦


  1. 今年もこの季節がやってきましたね😊毎年見事な盆梅展を案内してくださってありがとうございます💕ほんとに綺麗✨太鳳くん、ピンクの梅に見入っていましたね。相変わらずお花好きの太鳳くん、可愛いです😍

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