[東京酒店推介2024] 淺草最新Sake Bar Hotel開幕 |全日*免費*自助無限放題 日本酒 生啤 威士忌 燒酌 梅酒 果汁 佐酒小食 | Skytree景足湯 |漫晝 玩具 老少咸宜

Sake Bar Hotel 2023年11月30日隆重開幕 Grand opening on 30 Dec 2023 所有都是任飲的 All you can drink 足湯 Foot Onsen 東京晴空塔 Tokyo Skytree 給你配酒 Food matching 能登 Ishi 今集我們介紹東京2024最新的酒店 The Episode introduces the 2024 newest hotel at Tokyo 啤酒 清酒 梅酒 燒酌 Beer Sake Umeshu Shochu 威士忌 Whisky 都是全日任飲 Free-flow all the day

這間就是今晚住的 Sake Bar Hotel We Stay at this Sake Bar Hotel tonight 只是開幕了差不多一個月 Just opened for around a month 我們進去吧 Let’s go 這間Sake Bar Hotel的接待處 The reception of the Sake Bar Hotel 像酒吧一樣 Look likes a Bar 這裡是由神奈川県 Operate by Kanagawa 伊勢原市 Isehara-shi 吉川醸造創辦的 Kikkawa-jozo Brewery

當然會用它的品牌來招待大家 With no doubt it uses its brand to serve everyone 它的清酒品牌是”降雨“ Its sake name is “The Rain Falls” 由本釀造至純米大吟釀都有 From Honjo-zo-shu to Junmai-Daiginjo 這間酒店有特式 The highlight of the hotel 13:30 – 17:00 在這清酒吧 At this Sake Bar 你就可以隨便飲 All you can drink 另外有薯條 Serve with free deep-fried 炸物給你配酒 Deep-fried foods 18:00-22:00

就變成晚間酒吧 It becomes a Night Lounge 所有酒 All the Liquors 這些 These 譬如威士忌 Whisky 梅酒 Umeshu 清酒 Sake 都是任飲的 All are free-flow 還有果汁 And some juices 梳打水 Soda Water 如果帶同小朋友入住 If you are traveling with a child 都有果汁可以喝 Juices can be served 這支燒酌我們都喝過 We had drunk this Shochu before 吉川醸造的季節限定的純米酒 Seasonal edition Jumaishu from Ikkawa-jozo

橙汁 Orange Juice 有水喝 Drinking water 這支是桃酒 This is a peach sake 梳打水 Soda Water 喝杯高杯酒 We can drink a Highball 這個水機 Water Machine 就在這裡了 Here 是生啤酒 It’s a Draft beer 這裡 Here 就有食物給你配酒 Serve with snack foods for matching Liquors 打開這個冰箱 Open the refrigerator 就有這個 Find this 章魚燒可以給你 Takoyaki 叮熱食 Re-heat by the microwave

杯麵 Cup Noodle 跟著另外仲有 Another 有小食 Snack foods 這些是北海道產的 It’s from Hokkaido 帆立貝 Dried Scallop 好可愛 So lovely 你可以吃 You can eat 這個應該是吞拿魚 This is dried tuna fish 魚仔 Dried fish 腸仔 Dried sausage 這個是七味粉 Shichimi 黃芥辣 Mustard 這一盤 This 就是娃娃糖 Doll-shaped candy 關東煮 Oden 整整得幾香 smell is good 熱水就在那裡 Hot Water

除了這些小吃之外 In addition to these snacks 酒店都歡迎大家買食物來這裡配酒 The hotel also welcomes to bring your own foods and drink here 可以在這邊坐 Take the seats here 或者坐在這裡 Or sit here 吃東西 Enjoy the food 我們在晴空塔那裡就是買了很多東西來 We brought many foods from Skytree 平安夜牛肉 Beef for Christmas Eve 平安夜的鰤魚 Japanese amberjack 靜岡県鯛魚 Sea bream from Shizuoka

北海道墨魚吸盤 cuttlefish sucker from Hokkaido 鴨胸沙律 Salad with duck breast 三文魚籽 Salmon roe 帶子 Scallop 接著有大トロ Toro 接著士多啤梨 Strawberry 炸雞 Deep-fried chicken 可以叮翻熱它 Can re-heat by microwave 串燒 Skewers 乾杯 Cheers 因為今天是平安夜 Tonight is Christmas Eve 酒店送兩個蛋糕給我們 Hotel gives 2 cakes for us as a gift 一個是巧克力 One is chocolate cake

一個是普通蛋糕 One is cream cake 有聖誕老人頭在這裡 With Santa Claus here 這個是禮物 Gift from Hotel 平安夜快樂 Happy Christmas Eve 我們上了酒店的十樓 We go up to 10th floor of hotel 一打開電梯門我們就看見一部 Once opened the lift 有熱水凍水的水機 We find a water machine with hot & cool water 還有一部自助清酒機 There is also a self-serve Sake Machine

有三款不同的清酒給大家選擇 Serve with 3 types of sake for selection 就是純米大吟釀 Junmai-Daiginjo 純米花酵母 Junmai Flower Kobo 和愛山 Oiyama 外面就是泡溫泉 Outside is Onsen 只是足泡湯 Only a footbath 清酒你可以拿出飲 Sake can be drunk at Footbath 我們去泡溫泉 Go for Onsen 行啦 Let’s go 首先脫鞋子拿毛巾 Firstly take off your shoes and get a towel

酒店都很細心 The hotels are very attentive 這裡都有提供波子汽水給小朋友飲 Marble soda is for children 這裡是私人太設露天風呂 Private Open-Air Bath 收費是¥10000 可以使用60分鐘 for 60 minutes 開門出去就是露天足湯 Outside is footbath 我們當然會帶杯清酒出去喝 Of course we enjoy the footbath with sake 一邊享受清酒 While enjoying sake 一邊足湯泡腳 Enjoying footbath 在一個只有五度的夜晚 Under a night with only 5°C 已經是一個很棒的享受 What’s great enjoyable

還有這個彩蛋 And also a post-credits scene 就是在東京鬧市可以看著東京晴空塔來足湯 That’s an excellent view for Tokyo Skytree during foot bath 感覺很奢侈 Feeling very luxurious 原來東京也可以這麼夢幻 Tokyo becomes a dreamy town 水浸久了又不算太熱 Bath is not warmer enough for longer time 現在做 Room Tour Room Tour 和介紹每一層樓的設施 And introduce the facilities on each floor 房間 Our Room

我們今晚住404 We stay at Room 404 進來 Go inside 一進來 Once in 就是這樣大 Room is this size 12平方米 12 ㎡ 很寬闊的雙人床 a widely double bed 是那麼多地方 Limited size 這麼有張小卓子 Small desk 冰箱在這裡 Refrigerator 冰箱在這裡 Refrigerator 有大隻的水杯 Big cups 又可以保暖又可以保冷 Both for keeping warm & cold 衣櫃 Closet 就是這麼大 This size 只是可以放 Only keeps

兩件大褸這麼大的衣櫥 2 long coats 這邊是和式的窗 Japanese windows 這個就是電視機 Television here 其實酒店還有17 27 59平方米的房間 Hotel also has bigger size room with 17, 27 & 59㎡ 喜歡喝酒的朋友建議可以來這裡玩下 Liquor lover can come here for fun 我看不到怎麼開窗 Windows can’t be opened 我估開窗不可開 Windows are not allowed to open 床呢就是這麼大 Size of bed

可以張開兩隻手的大小 The wide is around extending 2 arms 和式的拖鞋 Japanese slippers 有對襪 Socks 可以穿了這件衣服上去上面足湯 Wear the Japanese Clothes for footbath 開這門 Open the door 廁所就是這樣的 Restroom 是馬桶 Toilet 然後有一個企缸 Shower bathtub 所有用品都有齊 All kinds of amenity 皂液洗髮水護精髮 Soap hair shampoo & conditioner 這間是我們朋友的房間 Our friend’s room 有多大 Room size 12平方米 12㎡ 就是這樣 This

床很寬 Bed is widely 房間吧就 Room is 我們做個示範 Let have a demo 嘩你身材剛剛好 Your body shape is just enough 剛才那個行李箱怎麼搬進來 How can move the baggage into room 我真要捧進來 I have to pick inside 還是要托上來 And move up 遞個來 then move in 是 Yes 應該這裡不能滾動過來了 Not enough space for scrolling in 我剛才度過 I tested

這個位子是放不到行李箱 Not enough space for opening baggage 張床是很寬敞的 Bed is so wide 這間是 This room 是很新的 Very newly 但是樓底很矮 The ceiling is low 廁所就是 Restroom 正常 Normal 是吧 Yes 正常 Normal 洗手盆在那裡 Where is washbasin 洗手盆在外面 Washbasin is outside the restroom 來到這裡 Here 就是走廊 Corridor 這一層 This floor 就有 has

一二三四 One two three four 有五間房 With 5 rooms 牙刷 Toothbrush 梳子 Comb 這個箍頭 Headband 剃鬚刀 Razor 和洗臉 Face cleaner 爽膚水 Toner 乳液 Lotion 和這個 And 洗面有兩種 2 kinds of face cleansers 全部都是用酒的發酵米來做個 All are made with sake fermented rice 所以 So 有點像SKII Like SKII 洗完面之後皮膚會很漂亮的 Skin will look beautiful after washing

所以今晚可以不妨拿來用下 Let try tonight 跟著來到這一邊 At the other side 有一個水機給你用 Water machine 杯子就在這裡了 Paper cup is here 但是在房間裡面都有個很大的杯子提供 The is a big cup at room 這邊 Here 這層有些什麼特別 Any special at this floor 這層就有個漫畫角落 Corner of comic book 我以為這全部都是清酒書 I thought that all are sake books 但原來鬼滅之神 But find Demon Slayer

比較出名就是鬼滅 Demon Slayer is popular 這個就是 This 幽遊白書 Yu Yu Hakusho 很有名 Very famous 跟著這個是什麼 What’s this 灌籃高手 SLAM DUNK 是吧 Yes 跟著我認識的東西是這麼多了 I only know this 咒術迴戰 Jujutsu Kaisen 我只是認識 還有在這裡會看到有其他的東西了 Other things you will see here 這個是什麼來的 What is this 女生用品 For famale used 很方便 頭髮 Good for hair 卷髮棒 Curling Iron

化妝時燈光不足 If not enough lighting for make-up 還可以給你一支燈 Extra Lighting can be provided 是啊 Yes 那麼這個毛氈是有什麼用 What is the usage of blanket 我想可能是有需要備用吧 Maybe for backup 放在這裡給大家 Keep here for customer 那麼這些 And this 這個是一封信 Letter 我估是一些閱讀的資訊 Maybe some informations 看看 View it 這介紹 Introduce 其集團的酒店 Others hotel from their group

10年受賞 Award for 10 years 睡在你隔離那個人很吵 If too noisy from your bedfellow 你可以用這個 You can use it 如果你們明天去機場 If you will go airport tomorrow 你又可以用這個來磅一磅 You can use it to weight your baggage 行李有幾重 What’s the weight of baggage 沒錯 Yes 這一個都是耳用的 This is also for ear 這裡吧 Here 這裡就無限量供應這個充電插頭 unlimited supply for charging plug

插頭是國際化 Plug coverage is international 什麼插都用到的 All can plug in 是 Yes 這個插非常之好 Excellent 後面 At the back 如果我是第一次或比較初去旅行 For the fresh travellers 都有點資訊 Some travel informations 是以英文版為主 Mainly is English version 我想它的顧客對象是外國人為主 Its target customers are foreigners 這裡就是3樓 Here is 3th floor 三樓的漫畫室 3rd floor is comic room

就是英文版的漫畫了 It’s English version for comic books 有這些了 Here 因為要翻譯英文 As book is needed to translate as English 這本漫畫 The comic book 見唔見到 See 全部都是英文字的漫畫 All comics are in English 因為它要譯英文了 Because of translating into English 所以這些書 So all books 是厚了很多 Turns thicker in size 我也覺得它比起我們平時看的少量厚了點兒 Agree with a bit thicker than Japanese version

是啊 Yes 你看這個 See this 幾厚 so thick 兩冊加在一起 2 volumes are added together 這個是三冊 3 volumes are added 好方便 So convenient 一次性看三冊 Read 3 volumes once 如果你悶 If still boring 就可以玩UNO Play UNO 另外有這個 In addition 壽司玩具玩 Sushi game 這個是砌 This is a brick 大家鬥拉出來但不跌就勝利 Fights for pulling it out but does not fall

是 Yes 接下來還有一個 Another one 劍玉 Kendama 這個是劍玉 Kendama 劍玉 Kendama 是啊 Yes 玩唔到 Fail to play 所以算了 Not playing 給小朋友的玩具 Toy for children 我們小時候也有玩過 We played at child time 好無聊般 So boring 這裡還有包包 Some bag-toys 這是什麼 What is this 都是玩的 Toy too 這是拋豆袋 Bean Bag Toss 小時候那些拋開地上 Threw on the ground at kid time

這個 This 這些傳統的玩具小朋友玩 Traditional kid’s toy 上面有點文化的資訊 Some cultural information at top 都是英文 In English version 還有撲克牌 Playing cards 富士山撲克牌 Playing cards with Mount Fuji 挺有趣 So funny 那些是文化資訊 Cultural information here 然後這裡還有盒東西 Another box 黑白棋 Reversi 這個 This 這個英文版 English version 珍貴珍貴 Very precious 這個不得了啊 This is incredible

這個是一個日本傳統的遊戲 This is a traditional Japanese game 整天在這裡飲清酒都不會悶的 Don’t get boring in drinking sake here all the day 你可以有不同的玩意在這裡玩了 Many different things to play here 洗衣機就在二樓 Washing machine at 2nd floor ¥100就可以洗 Only ¥100 這是接待處 Reception 在一樓地下 At ground floor 這裡有些浴衣 Some Yukata here 你可以拿來穿 Freely to wear

有分男女 With famale & male verison 另一邊有個大木桶裝飾 Sake tank here 其實一進到來 When coming in 你就看到 You can see 有個酒櫃 a sake cabinet 酒可以一支買走 Sake can be bought by bottle 這邊有 This 有米 Rice 有杯 Sake cups 有浴衣 Yukata 還有護膚品賣 Skincare 酒店辦理入住手續其實自助式的了 Hotel is applied with self check-in service 在這裡掃描護照 Scan passport here

這個平板電腦就辦理入住手續 Check-in by this Pad 然後這裡自己刷卡 Pay with credit card here 第二日 酒店提供輕便的早餐 Hotel provides a light breakfast 在酒吧 At Sake Bar 以自助形式供應 Served on a self-service basis 供應時間是由06:30至09:30 Serving from 06:30 to 09:30 有三款飯糰給你選擇 3 choices of rice ball 有蛋有鮭魚和淨飯 With Egg, Salmon & rice 橙汁 Orange juice

蘋果 Apple juice 有清水飲 Water 然後這裏 Here 你自己是可以沖茶 Tea for selection 有咖啡 Coffee 有魚吃 Dried fish 這東西 This item 能登的卜卜 From Ishi 是用來沖麵豉湯的 For putting into Miso soup 玩埋整麵豉湯 Let put it into Miso soup 我要能登 Use Ishi 接著打開它 Open it 剛完成辦理退房手續 Just Checked out from Sake Bar Hotel 現在就去搭地鐵去五反田 Then go Gotanda by Metro

這間的就很新 Hotel is very newly 因為剛新建的樓宇 It’s a new building 但房間只有12平方米 The size of room is 12㎡ 真有點小 It’s quite small 我們很久沒試過在東京推行李乘地鐵 It’s been a long time not pushing luggage on the Tokyo subway 行了 Let’s go 享受下這個過程 Let’s enjoy this moment 走出去了 Go out 我們每條片都很用心製作 Our video is created attentively

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Both Chinese & English subtitles

In this episode, we introduce the newest hotel in Asakusa, Tokyo. It is operated by the long-established sake brewery “Kikkawa Jozo Brewery ” founded in the first year of Taisho in Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The hotel’s decoration design is themed around Japanese sake.

酒店由下午1:30至5:30及晚上6:30-10:00,在地下SAKE BAR都會以LOUNGE的形式,客人可免費自助任飲日本酒、生啤、威士忌、燒酌、梅酒及果汁,並提供免費佐酒小食無限任食。
From 1:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon and from 6:30 to 10:00 in the evening, the SAKE BAR will be in the form of a LOUNGE at ground floor. Guests can drink Japanese sake, draft beer, whiskey, shochu, plum wine and juice for free. And it provides unlimited snacks freely.

The hotel also provides Japanese and English comic books and scratch toys, which are suitable for all ages.


CC字幕 – Both Chinese & English subtitles

SAKE Bar Hotel Asakusa
地址:〒111-0043 東京都台東区駒形1-6-7

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