
So now we are interviewing forign toys coming to Hokkaido and what would you like or what did you enjoy or something like that and now so by chance so we Mees and we find you inop how like that uh really good yeah uh we were here about 8 years ago uh and

We came here a lot so we wanted to come back with while well so you’ve been here before this and you liked it so that’s why you came back yeah wow so by the way so where are you from uh Perth Australia Australia actually so this restaurant is very very popular among

Lot of people people oh and it’s long established restaurant more than 45 years or something like that and also we love this restaurant so we are happy to to find you here oh no it was incredible like I yeah I ate at this place all the

Time if I can I see so what did you have GZA yeah GZA and k k I see so is that matina it’s like me he’s asking the price how was that price price oh cheap cheap very good price have you tried this kind of dish in Australia first yeah it’s there’s a

Lot of uh Japanese restaurants in in Australia and this is like a pretty common dish that they all do um this is better because it’s cheaper we can also uh the golden Curry mix you can buy in Australia so I can make curry Japanese Curry at home as well M so compared to

Australia is more expensive yes much much more expensive so you came here to see the Festival yes this time uh so we are here for a month but we’re starting in sep um and then going to Toyo ah from now yeah I see so how long

Did you stay in pido or in total how long two nights H just two nights three nights oh three night three nights nights and this is a festival and go to try to too yes and Contin Yes actually we will catch the shest oh see so thank

You so much thank you for your so enjoy the rest of you you where are you from uh we’re from Australia Australia which part of Australia uh wenong so just south of Sydney ah south of syney so East Side East Coast yeah so when did you arrive in Japan um3

1th of January 13th of January and how about to Hokkaido how long uh we’ve been in hokido for about awake now awake yeah since the start of February yeah so so in total how long uh just over a month in total in Japan so far where did you go in

Hokido um like Toya we were down in like Toya and then kind of just been around saora so SK or snowball SK H how was that that was UN best sking I’ve ever had oh good H any plan plans any plans we’re going to the Ice Festival tonight

This going to the snow Festival tonight I’m just going to go check out the ice so far did you eat any Japanese Hood yes yes yeah we um tried shashimi um I didn’t really yeah struggled I didn’t really like it that much too much Wasabi too much Wasabi for me um like

Crabsticks yeah crabsticks the takayaki oh yeah ok oh then the okaki okak that was good so what’s your favorite I like the okom yeah for sure yeah so anything eat you want to eat I still want to try soup curry yeah soup curry haven’t tried it

Yet I see in seor for sure try sou car before we land it’s very famous in so have you tried e e going to try it but we haven’t tried it yet I sure gotaka said to try it but we haven’t tried ited yeah we haven’t tried it see

Actually we have plans to invite Hing tourist and eat Japanese food together that’s our plan and if you are interested in unagi so why don’t you join us and eat together and some ask some more question when are you doing that uh maybe now or tonight or what

Yeah you want to go from now where where where uh actually two blocks away from here there is the authentic unagi restaurant all we were going to go to the Ice Festival we’re on a bit of a time schedule we’ve got to fly out you

Leave we might have to pass on we leave tomorrow morning we hav’t packed yet okay but thank you yeah sorry about that problem maybe next time we’re here in okay so enjoy the festival and enjoy the rest of last question not question but any comment about hokido so people who come

To hokido in the future 100% come like is beautiful so snowy um yeah it’s just like amazing people amazing culture good place to visit for sure and I feel like it’s been easier to navigate than other places the system here is been easier to work out we’ve struggled with a few of

The trains but this one has been really really good awesome Place coming back again soon in the near future very soon yeah hopefully please join Joy us next timej rest you Bye oh






#すすきの #外国人の反応 #カレー #ローカルフード#雪まつり



  1. 今回は鰻を一緒に食べられなかったけど、叶えば楽しそうな企画❗️

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  3. 札幌で見る欧米系外国人はほとんどロシア人かオーストラリア人で、たまにアメリカ人やウクライナ人

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