
Morning of February 14, 2024. good morning. My family is busy preparing for the trip. Van life traveling with a corgi dog. Osa, Mama-chan, and Kotaro. This summer’s trip is “a trip to compare the tastes of Asahikawa ramen.” Drive from eastern Hokkaido to Asahikawa City. Asahikawa City.

First, I go buy some snacks for Kotaro. Asahikawa City, DCM Shunko store. This is a store where Kotaro can also enter the store with a cart. I got some delicious and cheap snacks that weren’t available at the local supermarket. Time to get back in the car and have coffee.

I want to drink delicious coffee even in the car. My favorite siphon. I read until the coffee is ready. It’s time to calm down. It smells good today too. When I go on a trip, I get busy. I want to cherish my slow time. Give Kotaro the cheese treat. Clean up after yourself.

Head to your next destination. We headed to Arpeggio, the manufacturer of our camper. My FF stove hasn’t been working since my last trip. The purpose is to inspect and maintain it. It is a reliable campervan specialty store with solid after-sales service. Kotaro also likes the friendly staff. Asahikawa City, Arpeggio.

They also manufacture and sell campers and display vehicles. I’ll have it checked right away… It seemed like there was just some dust collecting in the intake vent. I’m glad the stove wasn’t broken. He is in a good mood after being petted by Kotaro’s staff. We chatted for a while.

You can feel free to stop by Arpeggio and they will kindly respond to your inquiries. The next destination is a sake brewery. Move to the city center. arpeggio. Takasago Sake Brewery. Asahikawa City, Takasago Sake Brewery. It looks like you can tour the museum. The reception room of the previous president. Feel the history.

The noren is cool. I’ll also go to the shop. Taking videos was prohibited inside the shop. I will introduce it with a photo. You can also sample it. delicious. Let me drink several kinds. it’s happiness. The sake brewed castella looks delicious. Purchased sweets and sake.

I bought amazake and took a rest in the break room. A rich sweet sake made with plenty of sake lees. It’s melty and very delicious. The flavor of sake lees is very good. The sake lees smells good. Wear a sake brewer’s apron and hanten. I feel like I’m the master brewer.

Kotaro stayed home for 30 minutes. Next up is Asahikawa Ramen. Takasago Sake Brewery. Asahikawa Ramen Mizuno. This is a long-established and famous store that has been in business for over 50 years. Is it a regular holiday? . This store seems to be closed irregularly… Asahikawa City, Ginger Ramen Mizuno.

This restaurant serves delicious soy sauce ramen with plenty of ginger. It’s a shame that I couldn’t eat it. Change your mind and move on. Ginger ramen Mizuno. Asahikawa Ramen Village. Asahikawa Ramen Village, Asahikawa City. Ramen Village is a collection of popular Asahikawa ramen restaurants. Currently, there are 8 stores. Everything looks delicious.

Our purpose this time is “Ramen and Tenkin”. Every time I’ve been here, the restaurant has been closed, so I’ve never eaten here. Asahikawa City, Ramenya Tenkin. Tenkin is the classic Asahikawa ramen shop, and has been in business for over 60 years.

I’ve been wanting to eat it for a long time so I’m looking forward to it. Soy-sauce Ramen. very delicious. I feel like I could eat as many cups as I wanted. It’s a soup with a nostalgic taste. It contains a lot of lard, but the refreshing soy sauce is delicious.

Asahikawa City has an old soy sauce brewery, so soy sauce ramen is the mainstream. The soup is pork bone-based and has maintained the same flavor since the restaurant opened. The cloudy appearance is due to the lard’s oil film, which prevents heat from escaping.

Asahikawa City is cold, so we are trying to come up with some ideas. The noodles are medium-thick curly noodles with a low water content. Authentic char siu with a firm and chewy texture. This ramen is made with carefully selected ingredients. A flavor that has been loved by Asahikawa citizens for many years.

Finished meal. Thank you for the meal. Kotaro obediently stays at home. The Tenkin Ramen on the first day was very delicious. Head to Higashikawa town, where you will be staying today. Asahikawa Ramen Village. A roadside station in Higashikawa town. Stop by a kamaboko shop that sells rare tofu. Higashikawa Town, Agefuku.

Fried surimi made with half tofu and half pollack. There are also fresh tofu donuts. Let’s have this as a snack for dinner. Higashikawa Roadside Station Higashikawa Michisokan. Preparing to sleep in the car. Attach insulation pads. If you close the curtains, it’s a perfect private space. Preparing Kotaro’s dinner.

A combination of vegetables and meat cooked with deer meat topping. The fried surimi I just bought. Bake it in a frying pan and eat it. A slow time at night. I had ramen for an early dinner. Have a light snack at night. Fried surimi with tofu is very delicious.

It’s delicious because it uses special tofu. I checked the stove with Arpeggio, so I can sleep with peace of mind tonight. The first time I ate Tenkin Ramen, it was delicious. Let’s enjoy some more drinks tonight. Bed expansion. Last collaboration of the day.

The outside temperature is +2℃, and there is an FF stove, so the inside of the car is 24℃. The journey continues tomorrow. Next time preview. Thank you for watching until the end. I would be happy if you gave me a high rating and a comment.




  1. こんばんは!

  2. ストーブは何事もなく🎉酒蔵は歴史をかんじる赴き‼️ママさんの試飲が嬉しそう😊ラーメン🍜🍥とても美味しいそうでした😃二人の食レポばっちり😃✌️県民ショーで旭川のホルモンラーメンが出ていましたが多いのかなぁ⁉️とても楽しい動画でした☺️次回も楽しみです🐱

  3. こんばんはぁ😊

  4. ラーメンには目がないのですが、バイクだと中々時間が合わなく行けなくて。。。
    来年以降はハイエース車中泊で旭川含め北海道ラーメン巡りしようかな 笑!

  5. 😊こんばんは~🌃✨何日も逢って居なかった感じで😅配信メチャ嬉しい😆⤴️💓。お酒好きな二人にわ良い場所でしたね😁。ラーメン🍜🍥(笑)😅私が、行った天金、懐かしい。やっぱり同じ所選ぶと思った~😄。間違い無いんだよね😁。

  6. ハイサーイ

  7. ヒーター壊れてなくて良かったですね😊 シマエナガ好きなので、お酒飲めないけど可愛かった😍旭川のロータリーは自分の運転では避けますꉂ🤣𐤔 ままちゃん怪我の方は治りましたか?傷残ってなければ良いのですが💦

  8. アルペジオのスタッフさんにモフられる小太郎💕可愛いね😊ストーブ壊れてなくて良かったね👍️

  9. こんにちは☔北海道の方は 薄着でビックリ
    FFヒータ壊れてなくて 良かったです
    オサさんの入れる Coffee飲んでみたです😊
    ママさん 試飲うんまですね ラーメンも美味しさ伝わってきますよ😂

  10. 本当、食に、関して、色々うまいものが、多いですね、画像が綺麗だから、なんか、自分が実際食べているような、感覚に、なる。

  11. こんにちは🦊

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