BEST 3 to 5 Day California Road Trip With National Parks!

Over the past 5 years traveling  full-time we have seen a lot California   is such a big state and has so much Beauty  to be explored that we thought we’d put   together a few of our favorite places in  a 3 to 5 day plan trip because the key to  

An epic road trip is balancing the time  you spend driving and the time you spend exploring if you’re traveling by RV and need  a place to stay close to the entrance of the   Redwood National Park we recommend the elk Valley  Casino in Crescent City California for a free

Stay start your journey down the US  101 where you’ll find a few places   with Gorgeous views be sure to  stop and take a few minutes to   capture some photos for memor thinking  we got to get a picture here thinking

[Music] so look for the gray striped bark and  of course the size is definitely a giveaway so   the size is definitely a giveaway hug they  the gray striped bark I think like that one   right there our main stop starts at Exit 765  to get on the Newton B Drury Scenic Parkway any  

Vehicle of any size can be on this road that’s  crazy there are plenty of well-marked trails   and pullouts for vehicles of all sizes along  the parkway this road is about 10 m long and   will likely be one of the most stunning drives  of your life so you read it’s like 100 ft in

Is that big or what that’s go stand by it wait for It allow at least 20 minutes to drive the  length of this road without stopping that   will end at Exit 753 back on US 101 about  an hour and a half from this exit is the   entrance to the Avenue of the Giants I’m  ready for Big Trees let’s go get some big  

Trees Big Trees the Avenue of the Giants is  a fantastic tour of these stunning natural   Treasures that takes you through the ancient  redwoods of the Humbolt County Redwood state   park it is named after the coastal redwoods  that Tower over the route the road is a a  

Former alignment of US 101 and continues to be  maintained as a state highway as State Route [Music] 254 dille Overlook MH and  dyerville was a stage coach stop a   shipping port and a Crossroads town  that played an important role in the  

Early settlement of this Redwood area and it  was completely destroyed by the flood of 19 1955 and then if we go over look over there I  think we can see the Rockefeller Forest well   remember you’re not going to overlook if you  just look over okay okay we learned this in  

Bahaba you know the B the Haba of B right on the  other side of our country well actually it was   aadia P yeah but we didn’t Overlook nothing cuz we  all we did was just look over yeah there it is I  

Ain’t Overlook nothing okay and don’t forget to  stop near Exit 656 to see the shrine Drive-Thru [Music] Tree [Music] about 40 minutes south on US 101 you will  find the chandelier tree at the drive-through Tree  

Park it is a 276 ft tall Coast redwood tree  in leet California with a 6 wide by 6′ 9 in   high hole cut through its base to allow a car to  drive through its base measures about 16 ft in diameter

If you have an extra 2 days we recommend  driving over to spend some time in South   Lake Tahoe you’ll want to allow one day to  drive the perimeter and one day to walk around   as well as take a boat tour the boat tour will  give you some great history of Lake Tahoe in  

The area the core shopping area is in Heavenly  Village and the Village Center area but you’ll   find fun and interesting shopping in a number  of spots including the four casinos and the Crossing if you don’t have the extra time then continue  on down to our next stop that takes us to yosan   National Park if you don’t have a reservation you  can still visit yosee without a reservation you   now must arrive at the entrance station  before 5:00 a.m. or after 400 p.m. they  

Recently changed that time from 6:00 a.m. to  5:00 a.m. coming in on Big Oak Flat Road we   recommend turning on tooga road to make your  first stop at talami grove talami Grove is a   place we missed during our trip but with it being  so close we recommend stopping to see this if you  

Have the time you will have to hike just about  1 and 1/2 miles to reach the talami Grove but   it should be well worth the work to enjoy these  massively beautiful trees with a lot less crowds  

Than the Mariposa Grove at the South End of  the park this area is about 16 Mi west of yose   Village next head back down to Big Oak Flat  Road and make your way through Yos National   Park and enjoy the views of places like Yos  Valley Vista Point Yos Valley View and many

More [Music] be sure to stop at L Capitan for a photo op  at more than a half mile high and 1 mile wide   elcapitan is the tallest exposed vertical face of  granite on Earth it’s more than twice the height  

Of the Empire State Building which is 1,250  ft tall says it includes nearly 12200 square   miles of mountainous scenery including High  cliffs deep valleys tall waterfalls ancient   giant seas and a large Wilderness now I did see  a sign over there um it mentioned the bridal veil  

Waterfall which is really tall we pass that I  think well it’s talking about the restoration   process I think it was so it’s closed like I  think normally you could take a trail there   but um they’re working on it evidently the  trail we always stop at the visitor centers  

At every National Park just to pick up a few  tips from the people who know these Parks the   best they often can help you make the best of  your time and give plenty of helpful tips and   updates on possible road closures that will  help you save more [Music] time and don’t  

Forget to visit yosan Village it’s a great  place to get a souvenir and grab some [Music] lunch as far as Beauty California is we  got bugs too California is probably   uh right at the top of our list  favorite States just because of  

The the beauty such a huge State  there’s just so much to [Music] it [Music] our next recommended stop takes you to the   seoa National Park to see the General  Sherman giant seoa tree located at an   elevation of 6,919 ft above sea [Music]  level you guys ready to see General

Sherman with a height of 275 ft a diameter of 25  ft and an estimated age of 2,300 to 2700 years   it is nevertheless among the tallest widest and  longest lived of of all trees on the planet the  

Shuttle does come right here picks you up takes  you here and so that way it’s a really short walk   it’s just there you don’t have to walk near  as far looks like it is wheelchair accessible  

Here [Music] too [Music] if your vehicle is under  8 ft tall don’t forget to take the drive to Tunnel   log drive-through Tree in seoa National Park  tunnel log is located in the giant forest area   along Crescent meow Road just a half mile past  another famous seoa National Park feature called  

Moral [Music] Rock to end this California trip we  recommend heading over to death Valley National   Park for a completely different landscape this  below sea level Basin steady drought and record   Summer Heat make Death Valley a land of  extremes yet each Extreme has a striking contrast

This was all once underwater you know it was a  big lake with mountains kind of at the top and   uh silt and volcanic ash would go to into  the lake and settle at the bottom but then  

Since then seismic activity has brought all  of that up to the surface to what we see here now [Music] [Music] and that our friends is our best  3 to 5day road trip of California   and its national parks now it’s time to call it a day

BEST 3 to 5 Day California Road Trip With National Parks!

ℹ️ About this episode:
On this episode of LivinRvision, we share a few place that we have been over the past five years traveling full time.
California is such a big state and has so much beauty to be explored, that we thought we’d put together a few of our favorite places for a 3 to 5 day epic road trip!

The key to an epic road trip, is balancing the time you spend driving, and the time you spend exploring. Our epic trip that we recommend starts at the northern end of California on US-101. Be sure to watch our video to help you plan either a great vacation making the most of your time or just a relaxing and enjoyable road trip in your RV.

We hope you enjoy!

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Reserve America (Army Corps of Engineers Campground):

America The Beautiful Pass: (National Parks & Federal Recreational Lands Annual Pass)

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This channel is for entertainment purposes only. We share our opinions and what works for us. You should always do your own research.

#roadtrip #yosemite #sequoianationalpark #vanlife


  1. Another great episode from Cortesio Productions. You’ve just given me 3 episodes to revisit. Hope you’re enjoying the winter somewhere warm. Stay safe, stay well. See ya next week.

  2. That is such a warming video to watch on a Saturday morning with a nice hot cup of coffee. So relaxing and I don't have to go outside. You guys are the best!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Great editing… We envy you guys for the courage to go on the road like you did. You only live once, right !! Be safe

  4. Awl you guys are awesome! The background music you choose for this tour of California exudes MAJESTY and really brings home just how majestic our planet is. NO OTHER CHANNEL gives us the wonderful views & stories that you guys share! We got to see Michele be a kid again & that's worth the price of pie! Anyway, a BIG thank you for bringing us along!! Much love.

  5. You may be surprised to learn that, while the General Sherman tree is the “largest”tree in the world it is not the oldest. There are a number of Bristle Cone Pines that are in the range of 5000+ years old!

  6. I thought dang, you were in Key West last week. 3,300 miles away. I thought you would at least brag about the drive!!😂😮😊

  7. Thank you Brian and Michelle! I love this excellent content! You knew just what I was thinking! I hope you do more of these videos for those of us who can't afford to be full-timers but live vicariously through you!💗

  8. I wouldn’t attempt to do all that in 3-5 days. Would love to spend at least 3-5 on just one of these places. Even 3-5 is so little time to really take it all in.

  9. Beautiful footage and great music! Timely video for me as we are planning a trip from Texas to Antelope Canyons and as many NationalParks in California as I can get! Thank you so much!!

  10. This video made me sad. All the places you visited were all my favorite places in a state I use to call home. I miss them all but I don’t miss all the craziness that has taken over the state. Thank you for the memories of a beautiful state.

  11. I remember these California videos you guys posted! They were one of my favorites!! Glad to see them again one video!❤ Its on my bucket list to see when I start traveling!Thank you for posting this!!What a treat!🥰

  12. Yosemite is absolutely breathtaking! So pretty!! Wow!! As soon as I saw the title of the video I thought; they better put Yosemite on there!! lol! Safe travels! Sorry I missed you in Tampa, maybe another time 😁

  13. By far our favourite is Death Valley. Thank you for your “Rvision”. Maybe you’ll make it to Beautiful BC one day!!

  14. Nicely done, that's why I love living here. I am in Tulare County. I love boondocking in the socal desert especially near Panamint Springs just outside of Death Valley.

  15. If you are ever back in northern CA, drive down Hwy 1. That is my favorite drive tho not for the feint of heart! I did it in my 25ft B+ motorhome. Absolutely beautiful scenery! Your recap of your travels was wonderful. Thank you!

  16. It was great seeing you guys yesterday! Hopefully we’ll see you again in Orange Beach or beyond as we continue on in the same direction.

  17. As always, a beautiful detailed video! 🥰. God's beauty is amazing! Oh and what a joy for me , Brittany, Randy and our doggie "Snowbell" to meet y'all yesterday at the "meet/greet". Y'all are so, so sweet! Now don't eat all those snacks in that goodie bag in one day! 😂🥰😂. Safe travels!

  18. We've only been to the Long Beach area, but now have a great trip planned because of you. Thank you!!!

  19. Absolutely stunning video! Haven’t been to California yet but definitely on my bucket list. Thank you 🙏🇨🇦

  20. Didn't know you guys were in NorCal…would have loved to meet up with you guys. Darn it. I see you were visiting our favorite places.

  21. Omg, another great video! We love you guys💖☀️ We watch it on our 65” tv and the video quality is superb!

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