20 BEST Places to visit in ASIA – Travel Guide 2024

What are the best countries to visit in Asia  in this video we will show you a list of the   20 best countries to visit in Asia so you can  make a decision Asia stands as the largest   and most densely populated continent globally  stretching across both the northern and Eastern  

Hemispheres this expansive region has over 48  countries many of which boast some of Asia’s   most captivating destinations and impressive  tourist attractions Asia is renowned for its   multitude of distinct civilizations and varied  cultures tourism thrives as a major strength   within the region showcasing Asia as a veritable  Wonderland teaming with unique and alluring

Features from idilic Tropical Islands  to expansive rice fields breathtaking   mountains and bustling contemporary cities  Asia presents a tapestry of attractions a   continent that offers visitors the  opportunity to see Mount Everest   explore the industri Valley Civilization  one of the world’s oldest civilizations  

And Ascend the Burge caulifa the world’s  tallest structure Asia is special in every way Asia is one of the most popular travel  destinations and for good reason but Asia is   a very big place on the map how do you choose  where to visit to help you plan the trip of a  

Lifetime take a look at our list of the best 20  countries to visit in Asia number 20 the maldiv nestled in the center of the Indian Ocean  is a captivating Tropical Paradise composed   of 26 adol and over 1,000 Coral Islands sits  extremely close to sea level its average ground  

Level is just around 1.5 M 5 ft above sea level  making it the world’s lowest country in terms of elevation this aripo is renowned for  its breathtaking landscapes boasting   pristine white sand beaches laed by Crystal  Clear Azure Waters each island in the mald  

Appears like a postcard perfect Slice of  Heaven were luxurious overwater Bungalows   and Resorts blend seamlessly  with the natural beauty of the surroundings the mald boasts an underwater  world of astounding Beauty its crystal clear   waters and thriving coral reefs are home  to an incredibly diverse array of marine

Life number 19 Singapore a sunny tropical island  in Southeast Asia it is about 275 square miles and   inhabited by over 5 million people nestled at the  southern tip of the Malay Peninsula this Dynamic   Metropolis is a testament to Progressive  Urban Innovation blended harmoniously with

Tradition renowned for its gleaming Skyline  adorned with architectural marbles like the   iconic Marina Bay Sands and the futuristic Gardens  by the bay Singapore exudes an air of Cosmopolitan sophistication the city’s bustling streets lined  with towering skyscrapers are complemented by   lush green spaces and impeccably landscaped  Gardens that offer a serene escape from the  

Urban bus Beyond its modern facade Singapore  is deeply rooted in history and Heritage   known for its cleanliness efficiency and safety  Singapore offers a seamless blend of worldclass   amenities efficient public transportation and  a diverse array of entertainment and dining options number 18 Cambodia for a small  country Cambodia has a lot to offer is  

A land of plains and rivers that lies  between important Overland and River   trade routes connecting China to India  and Southeast Asia Asia renowned for   its magnificent ancient temples including the  iconic anchor wat UNESCO world heritage site   stands as one of the most magnificent and  well-preserved Ancient Temple complexes in  

The world the country’s diverse Landscapes  Encompass Lush jungles Serene rice patties   and pristine coastlines along the Gulf of  Thailand offering visitors a spectrum of experiences beyond the temples and cities  rural Cambodia showcases serene Countryside   Landscapes with rice patties floating villages  and the tunel sap Lake Southeast Asia’s largest  

Freshwater lake number 17 Jordan a captivating  gem nestled in the heart of the Middle East is   a land where ancient history and natural  wonders converge to create an enchanting   tapestry of culture and Beauty this small  but extraordinary country offers a lot of  

Experiences for visitors at its heart stands the  legendary City City of Petra an archaeological   wonder and UNESCO world heritage site Beyond  Petra Jordan’s diverse Landscapes showcase   Nature’s Artistry the otherworldly WTI rum  desert with its vast expanse of towering   Sandstone mountains and shifting Sands offers  an immersive adventure of midst breathtaking

Scenery Jordan with its blend of ancient  Treasures stunning Landscapes and warm   hospitality is a destination that  invites exploration and Promises   Unforgettable encounters with history  nature and the enduring Spirit of its people number 16 usbekistan located in the  heart of Central Asia is well known for its  

Numerous architectural monuments breathtaking  natural landscapes magnificent palaces and   ruins of past civilizations fortresses steeped in  history that spans thousands of years years this   enchanting country beckons Travelers with its  Rich tapestry of Heritage and warm Hospitality   at the heart of usbekistan Lies the legendary  city of Samaran known as the pearl of the Silk  

Road Samaran boasts magnificent architectural  marbles like the registan square adorned with   intricately tiled madrasas that Shimmer under  the Central Asian Sun offering a glimpse into   the country’s illustrious past number 15 Sri Lanka  nestled like a teardrop in the Indian Ocean Sri  

Lanka is defined by its gentle Buddhist culture  and laidback way of living known as the pearl   of the Indian Ocean this island nation offers a  captivating blend of History culture and natural   beauty that leaves an indelible impression on  all who visit the country’s cultural heritage  

Is deeply ingrained in its ancient city the  Azure Waters surrounding the island are a Haven   for diving enthusiasts showcasing vibrant coral  reefs and an abundance of marine life including   Majestic whales and playful dolphins number 14  United Arab Emirates a captivating Fusion of  

Modernity and tradition stands as a beacon  of opulence and innovation in the Arabian   Peninsula comprising seven Emirates each with  its own unique charm this Dynamic country is   a testament to Visionary progress set against  a backdrop of desert Landscapes and futuristic

Skyline Dubai the epitome of modern luxury  is a city that defies limits and boasts   Architectural wonders like the kifa the world’s  tallest building and the man-made Palm jera Island it’s a bustling Metropolis where  extravagant shopping malls fine dining and   worldclass entertainment coexist with  traditional SS and Heritage districts  

The country’s dedication to Innovation extends  Beyond its cities a vibrant tapestry of cultures   and nationalities thrives in the UA creating  a Melting Pot of traditions and lifestyles the warm Hospitality of its people welcomes  visitors from around the world making them feel  

At home amidst the country’s Cosmopolitan flare  number 13 Nepal a landlocked Himalayan Nation   nestled between India and China it is located  in the Himalayas and has eight of the world’s   10 highest mountain peaks this captivating  country known as the birthplace of Buddha  

And home to the world’s highest peak Mount  Everest offers an unparalleled adventure for   travelers seeking both spiritual enlightenment  and thrilling outdoor experiences the Majestic   Himalayas with their snowcapped peaks pristine  Alpine forests and Meandering Rivers serve as   a breathtaking backdrop to Nepal’s diverse  Landscapes Beyond its towering Peaks Nepal  

Boasts a wealth of cultural heritage cfmu  the vibrant capital city is a bustling Hub   where ancient temples and palaces coexist  with with Modern urban life the country’s   spiritual Legacy is evident in its numerous  monasteries meditation centers and pilgrimage

Sites number 12 Bhutan nestled in the heart  of the Eastern Himalayas a jewel between India   and China is about the size of Switzerland with a  population of around 750,000 is a kingdom steeped   in Timeless Traditions Serene landscapes and a  unique philosophy of gross national happiness  

Luton’s breathtaking Landscapes from towering  Peaks to Lush valleys offer a Haven for nature   enthusiasts and adventurers alike Bon’s unique  philosophy of gross national happiness prioritizes   the well-being of its citizens and values  spiritual cultural and environmental preservation   over economic growth visitors can witness this  philosophy in action experiencing the harmonious  

Coexistence of of tradition and modernity that  defines buttin Society the country’s vibrant   festivals or tetes are vibrant celebrations that  showcase traditional buttine dances rituals and   colorful costumes number 11 Mongolia a vast  landlocked country nestled between China and  

Russia is one of the world’s highest countries  with an average elevation of 5,000 ft this land   of the Eternal Blue Sky captivates Travelers with  its sweeping steps rugged mountains and a nomadic   culture that Echoes across the vastness of the  Mongolian plane a country’s iconic symbol the  

Go by desert stretches across the South offering  a dramatic landscape of sand dunes canyons and   fossil Rich Cliffs the darkar yet mesmerizing  desert terrain holds a rich tapestry of history   and natural wonders providing a glimpse into  mongolia’s geological past mongolia’s capital  

Buad is a vibrant urban center where modernity  meets tradition here historic monasteries stand   alongside contemporary buildings number 10  turkey a captivating bridge between Europe   and Asia for centuries turkey was the center  of two great Empires the Christian Byzantine   Empire and the Islamic Ottoman Empire this  transcontinental country with its unique  

Blend of east and west offers a captivating  Mosaic of experiences for Travelers seeking a   Journey Through Time and tradition Istanbul  the country’s vibrant Metropolis serves as   a gateway to turkey’s diverse Heritage the city  straddles two continents embodying a convergence  

Of cultures seen in its iconic landmarks like  the Magnificent haah Sophia The Majestic Blue   Mosque and the bustling Grand Bazaar history  mingles with modernity in a city pulsating   with life where ancient cobbled streets lead to  trendy cafes and bustling markets the country’s  

Diverse Landscapes Captivate with their natural  beauty from the stunning turquoise Coastline of   the aan and Mediterranean Seas adorned with  pristine beaches and hidden Coes to the fairy   tale like Landscapes of capid doia with its  unique rock formations and cave dwellings and  

The Tranquility of Pam’s Terrace hot spring  turkey pres aad of Landscapes to explore the   warmth and Hospitality of the Turkish people add  an inviting touch to the country’s lure number   nine Malaysia located between 2 and 7° north  of the equator with an area of approximately  

330,000 km and a warm tropical climate Malaysia  offers an endless variety of exciting tourism   products for visitors to explore and enjoy  throughout the year this Southeast Asian gem   is a tapestry of experiences offering a Harmon  ious Fusion of History nature and contemporary  

Allore the country’s capital quala lumpor stands  as a bustling Metropolis adorned with towering   skyscrapers including the iconic petrona Twin  Towers vibrant neighborhoods such as Chinatown   Little India and campong baru which provide a  glimpse into Malaysia’s Multicultural Society   are home to a tapestry of cultures set against  the modern Skyline the country’s natural beauty  

Is unparalleled from the Lush rainforests  of Tam and nagara to the pristine beaches   of lankawe and the breathtaking biodiversity  of borneo’s rainforest Malaysia is a Haven   for nature enthusiasts offering opportunities  for wildlife encounters jungle trekking and   exploring caves and Marine Parks number eight  Philippines an archipelago of over 7,000 Islands  

In Southeast Asia is a Tropical Paradise teeming  with natural beauty vibrant culture and and warm Hospitality this captivating country has  the world’s 13th largest population with   over 108 million people Manila the bustling  capital city just opposes Modern Skyscrapers   with Spanish Colonial architecture and historic  landmarks the walled City encapsulates centuries  

Of History while the vibrant districts offer a  dynamic Urban scene filled with art music and   culinary Delights the Philippines pristine beaches  are legendary boasting crystal clear waters and   powdery White Sands that Allure sunseekers and  water enthusiasts from the famous Bor island  

With its Lively beach parties to the secluded  Coes of pan and the surfing havens of syau the   country offers an array of coastal wonders  the country’s cultural richness is evident   in its festivals where locals showcase their  Traditions through colorful costumes dance  

And music Filipino Hospitality famous L known  as Kaa warmly Embraces visitors making them   feel like family number seven Indonesia with  other than 177,000 Islands lying between the   Pacific and Indian oceans is the world’s largest  archipelagic country Bali known as the island of  

The Gods is a popular destination celebrated for  its Lush Landscapes Serene temples and vibrant art   scene visitors are drawn to its picturesque Rice  Terrace volcanic mountains and pristine beaches   offering a blend of relaxation and cultural  immersion Jakarta the bustling Capital City  

Embodies the country’s Dynamic Urban spirit  it’s a Melting Pot of cultures and a vibrant   Hub of modernity boasting Modern Skyscrapers  historic landmarks and a lively culinary scene   that reflects the diversity of Indonesian cuisine  Indonesia’s cultural diversity is reflected in its   numerous Islands each with its own distinct  Traditions language and Customs number six  

Vietnam is a long narrow Nation shaped like the  letter s located in Southeast Asia on the Eastern   edge of the Indochina Peninsula this captivating  Nation entices Travelers with its Rich history   breathtaking Landscapes and vibrant culture that  reflect its resilience and spirit of Rejuvenation  

Hanoi the capital city exudes charm with its  bustling streets French Colonial architecture and   ancient temples the old quarter a maze of narrow  streets is a vibrant tapestry of traditional life   street food stalls and historic SS hokai Min  City formerly Saigon is a bustling Metropolis  

Known for its pulsating energy Vietnam’s natural  beauty is diverse and a inspiring from the Serene   Waters with its Limestone Cs and emerald green  waters to the Lush terrace rice fields and the   pristine beaches the country offers a myriad  of Landscapes to explore number five 5 South  

Korea also known as the Republic of Korea is  located in the south of the Korean Peninsula   it’s a complex and fascinating Nation on the one  hand it has modern and flourishing mega cities   that are as Urban as they come and on the other  a remarkable and Rich culture and history this  

Vibrant country often referred to as the land of  the morning Cal presents an intriguing blend of   ancient Heritage and Cutting Edge advancements  Soul the bustling Capital serves as the Beating   Heart of South Korea boasting a captivating mix  of skyscrapers historic palaces and bustling

Markets South Korea’s technological prowess  is renowned worldwide the country is a hub   for technological advancements South Korea’s  cultural heritage is deeply rooted in its   traditional customs arts and festivals the  warmth and Hospitality of the Korean people   known as Jong create an inviting atmosphere  for visitors making them feel welcome and  

Embraced by the country’s Rich culture  number four India a land of contrasts   and diversity has a distinct culture and is  one of the world’s oldest and most powerful civilizations this South Asian Nation with  its Rich history and profound spirituality   captivates Travelers with its Kaleidoscope  of experiences that unfold across its vast  

And very terrain from the Magnificent Taj  Mahal in arra an architectural Marvel and   UNESCO world heritage site to the ancient  temples of barasi along the banks of the   Sacred canas River India offers a glimpse into  centuries of cultural richness and spiritual significance the bustling cities  of Delhi Mumbai and Kolkata pulsate  

With energy where modernity coexists with ancient Traditions number three China it is the largest  of all Asian Nations it occupies nearly the entire   East Asian land mass accounting for roughly  1/4 of the total land area of the planet this   East Asian Nation known for its Millennia old  civilization embodies a fascinating blend of  

Tradition and Rapid modernization Beijing the  dynamic Capital City stands as a testament to   China’s Rich history the iconic Great Wall The  Forbidden City’s Imperial grandar and the tranqu   qu ility of the Temple of Heaven offer glimpses  into the country’s Imperial past amidst a bustling  

Urban landscape the Great Wall stands as  a symbol of China’s ancient civilization   this architectural Wonder was constructed  over centuries to protect the Empire from invasions the Forbidden City situated in Beijing  served as the Imperial Palace for centuries   and remains one of the most remarkable palacial  complexes globally Shanghai a global Metropolis  

Epitomizes China’s modernity with its soaring  skyscrapers futuristic Skyline and vibrant   nightlife number two Thailand the kingdom of  Thailand formerly known as sayam is located   in the heart of Southeast Asia known as the land  of smiles Thailand is renowned for its friendly   locals magnificent temples and picturesque  beaches Bangkok the bustling capital is a  

Vibrant Metropolis where modernity meets tradition  the city’s Grandeur is exemplified by the opulent   Grand Palace and the Tranquil wato home to  the revered reclining Buddha Street Markets   Lively nightlife and delectable Cuisine make  Bangkok an exhilarating Urban Hub Thailand’s   natural beauty is showcased in its pristine  beaches where turquoise Waters and White Sands  

Beckon sunseekers and water sports Enthusiast  Thailand’s warmth and Hospitality coupled with   with the concept of Sanic make visitors feel  welcomed and embraced by the country’s genuine charm and number one Japan an aripo in East Asia  provides a distinctive blend of ancient Traditions  

Contemporary culture and diverse Cuisine This Land  of the Rising Sun mesmerizes visitors with its   Rich culture stunning Landscapes and technological  advancements Tokyo the vibrant capital city is a   bustling Metropolis were ultramodern skyscrapers  and neon lit streets coexist with historic temples   and Serene Garden the city boasts iconic  landmarks like the Imperial Palace shabuya  

Crossing and the Ancient senoji Temple in asakusa  Japan’s natural beauty is diverse and captivating   from the snow cap peaks of Mount Fuji to the  Tranquil beauty of the Japanese gardens in   kazala and the scen Splendor of the Japanese  Alps the country offers a myriad of Landscapes  

To explore the warm hospitality and politeness of  the Japanese people known as amot Nashi create an   inviting atmosphere for visitors making them feel  respected and welcomed by the country’s genuine kindness

Explore the wonders of Asia in this captivating video as we unveil the top 20 countries to visit on the continent. Join us on this mesmerizing journey across Asia, where each country unfolds its unique treasures. Subscribe now for more travel inspiration.
🔥 Full day tour from Delhi to Taj mahal in Agra: https://www.getyourguide.com/new-delhi-l231/skip-the-line-taj-mahal-full-day-tour-from-delhi-t53132/?partner_id=V30QCK2&utm_medium=online_publisher&cmp=india
🔥 Balloon tour in Cappadocia: https://www.getyourguide.com/cappadocia-l1400/cappadocia-balloon-tour-by-discovery-balloons-t26992/?partner_id=V30QCK2&utm_medium=online_publisher&cmp=turkey

00:00 Intro
01:28 The Maldives
02:29 Singapore
03:43 Cambodia
04:38 Jordan
05:39 Uzbekistan
06:24 Sri Lanka
07:00 United Arab Emirates
08:10 Nepal
09:11 Bhutan
10:14 Mongolia
11:07 Turkey
12:31 Malaysia
13:46 Philippines
15:04 Indonesia
16:02 Vietnam
16:57 South Korea
18:06 India
18:56 China
20:06 Thailand
21:07 Japan

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