[Kyoto vlog]2024年最新京都グルメin錦市場🍙🍡|京都旅行の人気観光スポットでひとり食べ歩き

Today we will introduce gourmet food from Nishiki Market, also known as the kitchen of Kyoto. Please enjoy it until the end. Order the famous octopus egg It was bigger than I expected, and the egg was firmly in its head. The combination of octopus and egg was also good🐙 Order mizumaru mochi

Stylish interior with a Kyoto feel✨ It was my first time to eat mochi with such elasticity. There was also mizumaru mochi to take home. The delicious smell of the sauce wafted up to 30 meters away. I ordered the chicken char siu stick because of the smell. It was quite heavy.

The meat is soft, so even small children can eat it without any problem. There were various types of fried fish. Order crab meat tempura It was packed with filling and the amount of salt was just right. A new store opened in Nishiki Market less than a year ago Order jumbo yakitori

It is especially recommended for people who like strong flavors that are well-coated with sauce. Kobe beef looks delicious too… This is a new and noteworthy store that opened in 2024. Ordered matcha garden monaka and yame tea. It looked stylish and tasted delicious. The elegant aroma and taste will warm your mind and body.

There is a bonsai tree, so you can be sure to look good on Instagram. I was just making matcha warabi mochi. Ordered strong tea raw warabi mochi I was able to feel the matcha directly. We also received a free bag to take home. Onigiri shop with a wide variety of varieties🍙

Use a colander to put the rice balls in. This time, I will take home 3 types of rice balls (4 pieces in total). Salmon rice ball stuffed with meat Sasami plum rice ball with a light aftertaste Plum rice balls with just the right balance of sourness and sweetness

Cooking a large amount of shrimp skewers🦐 The large plump shrimp tasted great✨ When traveling to Kyoto, please enjoy the gourmet food at Nishiki Market. Thank you for watching till the end.

京都の人気観光スポット「錦市場」で食べ歩きした様子をvlog にしました。





00:00 オープニング
00:35 櫂
01:06 まるもち家 錦小路店
02:11 鳥清
03:08 魚力
04:07 戌前屋
05:08 京都 三代目太三郎
06:31 抹茶スイーツ館 茶和々 錦店
07:19 ごちそう焼むすび おにまる
08:11 鱧秀 錦本店

①櫂(たこたまご 700円)
〒604-8052 京都府京都市中京区錦小路通鍛冶屋町216

②まるもち家 錦小路店(水まる餅 600円)
〒604-8052 京都府京都市中京区錦小路通麩屋町東入鍛冶屋町214 あづま屋内

③鳥清(鶏チャーシュー棒 700円)
〒604-8055 京都府京都市中京区東魚屋町186

④魚力(カニカマ天 600円)
〒604-8055 京都府京都市中京区錦小路通富小路西入ル 北側

⑤戌前屋(ジャンボ焼き鳥 800円)
〒604-8055 京都府京都市中京区東魚屋町171番地

⑥京都 三代目太三郎(抹茶庭最中 600円、八女茶 1,200円)
〒600-8031 京都府京都市下京区貞安前之町609 飯田屋ビル2〜4階

⑦抹茶スイーツ館 茶和々 錦店(お濃茶生わらび餅 825円)
〒604-8121 京都府京都市中京区十文字町456番地

⑧ごちそう焼むすび おにまる(鮭おにぎり 194円、ささみ梅おにぎり 194円、梅おにぎり 151円)
〒600-8003 京都府京都市下京区御旅宮本町7

⑨鱧秀 錦本店(海老串 700円)
〒604-8125 京都府京都市中京区中魚屋町504

#錦市場 #京都グルメ #京都旅行 #京都食べ歩き #錦市場食べ歩き #vlog #kyoto #京都観光 #京都vlog #japanesefood #京都ひとり旅 #抹茶 #2024

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  1. ご視聴ありがとうございます。

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