(字幕あり)ツーリングやドライブにお勧め!世界遺産のある長崎県 : 生月島【九州編#4】バイク女子ひとり旅 / ゼファーで日本一周 Motorcycling Around Japan(JP)

Finally came! Nagasaki Prefecture! Hello, I’m TOMOMO. Today I’m heading north from Sasebo City in Nagasaki Prefecture to go island hopping. Nagasaki Prefecture is known for its crystal clear ocean views and for having the most islands among the 47 prefectures. It’s

A clear blue sky. The scenery of the sea and the appearance of the many floating islands are both impressive and beautiful.And because of the large number of islands and ria-style coastlines, the coastline is said to be the second longest in the country.It cannot be

Compared with any other place. I’m going to enjoy the scenery to the fullest. First, I found a fun point in Nagasaki Prefecture. Since there are many islands, there are many bridges. Of course (?), but (lol)

I like the open feeling of the bridges and the view from a high place. You can enjoy it as many times as you want, so it’s a great place for touring or driving. It’s a quaint place. It’s a fishing town. There’s supposed to be a destination ahead of us, but I

‘m starting to feel a little nervous (lol). I’m slightly on the right track. It’s a road that makes me worry.The width of the car is a little narrow , and it feels like it’s in a residential area, so I wonder if there really is a destination…

I don’t want to put too much faith in it, but this time I’ll just keep trusting the navigation. I think I’ll move on , that’s it! ! ? I have to back up. There was a guide sign.Actually, there was a small signboard and signpost along the way to get here.If you follow

The guide, you can get there.Finally, you have arrived.This is the parking lot.You can park here and go to the westernmost end. I’m going to walk to the place where the object is. I was so desperate to see the scenery that I forgot to eat (lol) I headed

To the restaurant I found on Google Maps earlier. I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. So I went and ate the set meal.There were many reviews, so I was curious and went there.The

Specialty is the sashimi set meal, and you can eat as much sashimi as you want.The men around me ordered 2 or 3 refills. Well, let ‘s talk about souvenirs.So today, we will cross the Hirado Ohashi Bridge, which is probably the highlight of the many bridges we will cross.It

Is a vermilion suspension bridge that connects Hirado Island and the mainland . Otherwise, the total length is… 665 meters It’s a big bridge that is worth running on I’m looking forward to it! We arrived at Hirado Island! I could see Hirado Castle from the bridge.The

View was really nice, so this is a “round-trip deal (it’s a good road)” (lol) Come to think of it, I also went to the “Hirado Seto Market” next to the restaurant where I ate. I stopped by and they had a good selection of souvenirs.I bought some to accompany my trip.I

Thought the potato shochu was unusual, so I bought it right away.I love alcohol and can basically drink anything. However, the current trend for me is to mix sweet potato shochu with hot water.When I go camping, I always keep alcohol in my side bag

Because as long as I boil water, I can drink hot water to warm up my body . But… I always have potato shochu on hand, and unlike sake, the taste doesn’t change much depending on the temperature. That’s why I bought a small size with the purpose of tasting it.From

Here, I will head further back to Ikitsuki Island.This is also a good road.You can enjoy the atmosphere unique to a seaside town . This is Ikitsuki Bridge.This is another great bridge.The view of the sea is unbearable.Whether you turn to the right or to the left, the view is beautiful either way.Let’s

Head to the “Obae Lighthouse” located at the northernmost tip of Ikitsuki Island. It’s a lighthouse, but it has an observation point that is rare in Japan, and you can look down on the cliffs from there, so I’m looking forward to it.Wait, the road to get there is also great,

There are windmills here and there, and you can see the coastline of the island. I recently had a wonderful encounter and received some famous sweets from Saga Prefecture.Actually, I just ran into Rina, who is traveling around Japan on a Rebel, in the parking lot of the lighthouse.It ‘s

My first time in Fukuoka Prefecture . After we met, we went out together and then broke up in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, but unexpectedly we met again here (lol) That’s why Rina-chan is running behind me now, and the sun is starting to set. So,

Next we will head from the west side of the island to the entrance of the island.There are many sights and landmarks along the west coast, so we will continue onward while stopping by.This is the Sunset Way.It is

A famous place where you can see the sun setting into the sea if you turn to the right. Actually, I would like to watch the sunset until the end, but I don’t have the courage to drive in a dark place with no street lights, so I

Will take it easy and make my way home.I was able to go around the island here.This is a bridge. This is the “Roadside Station Ikitsuki Ohashi” near the roadside station. Here we say goodbye to Rina-chan. Well, our destination is north, so

We might meet again on our way north, or maybe in Hokkaido. Be careful. Thank you very much . Let’s meet again

主な撮影地:長崎県 : 佐世保市 / 九十九島観光公園 / 本土最西端 / 平戸大橋 / お食事のお店萬福 / 平戸公園 / 生月島 / 生月大橋 / 道の駅生月大橋 / 大バエ灯台 / 塩俵断崖 / サンセットウェイ /
Location: Nagasaki
機材 : Gopro8 / Insta360oneX

出発地は北陸 富山県
Kawasaki zephyr 750cc にキャンプ道具等フル積載して、まだ見たことがない日本の絶景と現地で愛されている食を堪能し、ときにはインスタントフードをかき込みバイクの隣で野宿する



Music by LiQWYD
Free download: www.bit.ly/flow-free-download
Music by @LiQWYD
Let the music flow!
Music by MBB (feat. JV Saxx)
Feel it


  1. まずは九州編再開と最西端到達おめでとうございます!地図文字がどんどん大きくなり見易いですよ。橋の映像は止まれないから走行動画良いですよね。

  2. 熊本阿蘇に続き長崎も綺麗な風景のツーリングは素晴らしかったです😃海岸線はやっぱり最高ですよね✌️長崎編の後半期待してます😄楽しみです👍

  3. 大バエ灯台の展望台からの景色素晴らしくて最高ですね👍😊

  4. お疲れ様です。


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