ココナッツミルクを使ったエスニック風スープはるさめの作り方:How to make Harusame Soup | Veggie Dishes by Peaceful Cuisine

ココナッツミルクを使ったエスニック風スープはるさめの作り方:How to make Harusame Soup | Veggie Dishes by Peaceful Cuisine



【材料 4〜6人分】

・にんにく 1片
・玉ねぎ 200g
・人参 50g
・しめじ 50g
・オリーブオイル 適量
・木綿豆腐 1丁(約350g、冷凍して解凍したもの。冷凍時間は一晩でOK)
・パクチー 適量
・バジル 適量
・水 1000ml
・ココナッツミルク 400g(1缶)
・塩 小さじ2〜3
・はるさめ 60g(水に戻しておく。30〜60分間ほど)

《1》 にんにく、玉ねぎ、しめじ、人参をカットし、油で炒める。
《2》 冷凍していた豆腐の水を切り、豆腐を細かく切る。
《3》 細かくした豆腐を油で炒め、醤油を加える。
《4》 最初に炒めた1の野菜、水、ココナッツミルクを加えて沸騰するまで煮る。
《5》 パクチー、バジル、塩、水で戻したはるさめを加えて出来上がり。

【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】

Music : Life In The Old Dog 2 / Richard Lacy, Barrie Gledden

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動画制作/高嶋綾也(Peaceful Cuisine)
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This week’s recipe is “Harusame Soup”. Harusame(Japanese vermicelli) is noodles made from potato starch. Soak them into water for about 30 – 60 minutes then it’s ready to go. Enjoy!

【INGREDIENTS makes 4 – 6 servings】

a clove of garlic
200g onion
50g carrot
50g shimeji mushroom
1 tbsp olive oil

350g firm tofu(frozen and thawed beforehand)
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp soy sauce

a bunch of coriander
some basil leaves
1000ml water
400g coconut milk
2 – 3 tsp salt

60g Harusame(Japanese vermicelli)

1. fry garlic, onion, shimeji and carrot with olive oil. Set aside.
2. Fry tofu then add soy sauce.
3. Add fried vegetables, water, coconut milk. Simmer for a few minutes.
4. Add coriander, basil leaves and salt.
5. Add soaked harusame into the soup and it’s done.

A program that shows you vegan & organic food. Vegan is cooking without any animal products uses only plant based food. I also use organic food which are grown without any pesticide, herbicide and chemical fertilizer. I will show you recipes which you can’t think it’s made of only plant foods and surprisingly delicious!

Music : Life In The Old Dog 2 / Richard Lacy, Barrie Gledden

◆uploading a new video on EVERY MONDAY.
check out other VEGGIE DISHES Videos! →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O

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  1. 木綿豆腐を冷凍するアイディア、いいですね。たくさんスープを吸っておいしそうだな〜

  2. 豆腐の冷凍すごい!知らなかったです。

  3. Wow, I didn't know that momen tofu could have a texture like that! I'll try this recipe soon, Ryoya. Thank you. 🙂

  4. 冷凍した木綿豆腐は高野豆腐とは少し違いますか? 見てる限り高野豆腐よりもスポンジ状みたいですが…

  5. Ryoya, if you plant that coriander root and keep it in a shaded humid area it will grow back. 🙂 thanks for the recipe.

  6. I came across your videos a few days ago and decided to subscribe. I'm trying to go vegan but I don't know how to replace meat and still get enough nutrition without feeling sluggish.

  7. Woaaaah, tofu is amazing! Thanks a lot 🙂 By the way, this video would sound amazing as ASMR.

  8. 鍋ごと味を変えずにお皿で変えればたくさん楽しめていいですね〜。

  9. すべて水を使う場合は、1000mlにさらに水400を加えて大丈夫ですか?^^

  10. 早速作りました(・∀・)

  11. I really want to be vegan, but my mother never allow me to be vegan😭
    She thinks vegan is bad for our health.
    What can I do 😂

  12. Hi, would it be okay to substitute coconut milk with soy/almond/etc milk? And also normal mushrooms instead of shiitake? Thanks 🙂

  13. I watch your videos every night before I go to sleep… Really peaceful cuisine indeed XD btw how's cello- learning going?

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