Fukue, Goto, Nagasaki (長崎県五島福江島) - Goto Retreat ray (五島リトリート ray by 温故知新) Deluxe Room walkthrough

Fukue, Goto, Nagasaki (長崎県五島福江島) – Goto Retreat ray (五島リトリート ray by 温故知新) Deluxe Room walkthrough

This is the hallway one of the hallways at goto Retreat Ray in Fu Island which is one of the goo Islands in Nagasaki prefecture of Japan we are a Dean called um well I just said it goto Retreat Ray we are in room number 29 in the second floor which is actually

The reception floor uh as well there are three floors in this property it’s brand new as of a couple years ago and um the company is called onoin and uh they have several luxury properties in Japan including uh Seto Retreat aagi which we’ve stayed at in Matsuyama in um Aime prefecture as well

As um iki Ki murakami in iki Island and this one so goo stands for five Islands so it’s a archipelago or a self-contained one off Nagasaki to get here you either take a ferry or jet foil from Nagasaki or you can take a flight from uh Nagasaki airport or fuoka to goo

Tubaki Airport this is the main of the five islands called f where a lot of the main attractions are um anyway so this room is a deluxe C view room there’s two room types um this one is 55 I’m sorry 70 square m the standard room is 55 square

M um see how I open this how do I open this do I slide it how do I open it okay here it is you slide it open I thought I needed to pull it open so this is the bathroom and um anyway so this is this is it um the

Living room and the bed all in one contained area we we’re not crazy about uh junior sweet layouts we like a separate bedroom and living room but this is all they have so you have um a TV a sofa sitting area I mean it has everything you need we just like it um

The room segregated so if I need to work or stay up late while the M it wants to catch a snooze it’s it’s a little bit um uh a bit of a a burden because she’s a light sleeper anyway so you can see they have Sono speakers here anyway so

This is this is the view of of the island here this is a mirror so no it’s it’s it’s the same bed that you’re looking at very nice view this is the end unit as you saw uh when before we open the door to this room um you can see here

There’s a semiopen a bath this is the wash uh basin and this is the shower again this this is a very new property so certainly it has all the amenities that you would hope for in a new property don’t quote me on this so I

I’ll look it up later I think it opened in 2020 or 21 it it was during the the the covid lockdown at least um Japan was not open yet to um foreign visitors in mass and then here is the Outdoor bath it’s temperature regulated at 41° F you

Can jump in and out anytime you want it’s uh filled up uh you can adjust the temperature by adding uh you know colder water or warmer water as you see fit um unfortunately it’s not onent it’s not hot spring there’s not that many places in uh F Island that actually has

Natural mineral hot springs um so a few other things about um the goo Island so again this is fuku it was a place well known uh for the hidden Christians during the pro uh religious prohibition period during the um Edo period during the rule of the Tokugawa Shogun it and

So a lot of them practiced uh Christianity in heid and this is one of the areas where they actually did so and then there were quite a few churches that were built towards the end of the prohibition um once the prohibition was lifted and some of them are uh quite charming and well

Preserved um in fact several of them are UNESCO uh world heritage sites so that’s among the things that um people come here for to kind of uh enjoy the scenery the landscape also the the the Bountiful um Seafood um which Nagasaki overall well Japan in general but um

Nagasaki uh as well is known for awesome food so uh and then there there’s some nice beaches uh you know um water sports activities um this is also a there there’s a place where you can see the stars up on a hill which I don’t know if

It’s a dark sky Reserve but uh anyways so if you want to relax not have much to do in terms of you know rushing to see these crazy spots um this might um fit the bill you do need a rental car if you’re going to do anything other than stay here and and

Walk around the vicinity um which would come in handy or hire a private driver and guide so this is uh goto Retreat Ray by a company called onko chiching located in the F island of the goo Islands goo RTO off uh the coast of kushu which is um this is in Nagasaki

Pre picture in Japan uh Deluxe CV room 70 square met hope you enjoyed

A walkthrough of the 70m² Deluxe Twin Room with Sea View (オーシャンビューパノラマデラックス) at Goto Retreat ray by Onko Chishin (五島リトリート ray by 温故知新), a 26-room luxury ryokan established in August 2022. It is located on Fukue-jima Island, one of the Islands that is part of the Goto Islands off Nagasaki, Japan.

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