【#JAPAN #Okinawa #landscape 】#南城市 #小谷 #街並み と #シーサー #Okoku #Valley & #Shisa !【#沖縄 #View 】

【#JAPAN #Okinawa #landscape 】#南城市 #小谷 #街並み と #シーサー #Okoku #Valley & #Shisa !【#沖縄 #View 】

Today, we’re in Okoku hamlet in Nanjo City, in the south-east part of Okinawa, Japan ! The place we are now is called “Takanri”. it is the highest place here to see this wonderful scenery! Back in the day, this is where people would have fun preparing for festivals, and hold ceremonies.

The water in Nanjo City is ranking in the 100 best waters Really clear! It is famous for its abundant spring water. – So cool! – This is Shisa! There were a lot of disasters that wouldn’t stop, so it was said to “Put this kind of Shisa here”

And the disasters stopped! That’s the start!! Amazing! ! It’s currently baking! After you!

Full Episode: https://youtu.be/omsrowbYOmo


Today, let’s rediscover the beautiful views, old townscapes, registered tangible cultural assets such as cobblestone roads and clear water old wells, impressive Shisa, and stylish cafes in Okoku – Nanjō City, located on the eastern side of southern Okinawa.

Aujourd’hui, redécouvrons les vues splendides, les rues traditionelles, le chemin pavé répertorié au patrimoine culturel matérie, les puits d’eau claire anciens, les impressionnants Shisa, et le café du haut de la colline d’Okoku – Nanjō, située dans la partie est du sud d’Okinawa.

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