三重塔と桜のコラボ【清水寺】福岡県みやま市 2022 Kiyomizudera Fukuoka Japan

三重塔と桜のコラボ【清水寺】福岡県みやま市 2022 Kiyomizudera Fukuoka Japan


Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Miyama City is a famous spot for cherry blossoms, and the approximately 1,900 cherry blossoms are in full bloom in early April, attracting a large number of cherry blossom viewing visitors.
There are Kiyomizu-dera three-storied pagoda and Honbo garden, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing while taking a leisurely stroll through the garden, which is full of Japanese atmosphere.
During the cherry blossom season, you can enjoy the collaboration of the three-storied pagoda and cherry blossoms.
The cherry blossoms at Kiyomizu-dera Temple are usually at their best from late March to early April.
The three-storied pagoda of Kiyomizu-dera Temple was built in 1836 and is an important cultural property. The height is approximately 26 meters.


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#清水寺 #福岡 #桜

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