【5分で簡単】塩昆布おにぎりの作り方!混ぜるだけで簡単!一度食べたら止まらなくなる旨さ|悪魔のおにぎりレシピ!-How to make Salted Kelp Rice Ball-【料理研究家ゆかり】

【5分で簡単】塩昆布おにぎりの作り方!混ぜるだけで簡単!一度食べたら止まらなくなる旨さ|悪魔のおにぎりレシピ!-How to make Salted Kelp Rice Ball-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made salted kelp rice balls. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make salted kelp rice balls.

This time, it is very easy because all you have to do is to put salted kelp and other tasty ingredients in the rice ball. In addition, I would like to introduce three arranged versions of these rice balls. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

There are some points of interest here and there, so please enjoy it all the way through. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients.

Rice, salted kelp, dried bonito flakes, small leeks, chicken broth stock, white sesame seeds, sesame oil, we will use these ingredients for this recipe. First of all, rice is here 300g, which is about 1 cup. One cup of rice is about 330g, so you can use 330g.

The rest of the ingredients are already very simple. Salted kelp, bonito flakes, chicken soup stock, white sesame seeds, sesame oil, and small green onions. Can replace the small green onions with shiso leaves if you like. I think the addition of shiso leaves makes it more refreshing. Use your favorite salted kelp.

This time I will use salted kelp from Kurakon here. Here is a reference. I would like to make it immediately. Easy recipes at home Now I would like to make it. First of all, we will cut small leeks. Cut off the root of this leek first.

Then cut it in half and cut it in half again so that it is easier to cut. Now it’s time to cut it into small pieces by aligning the cut edges. You can of course use the ones that are already cut into small pieces. Now let’s start cutting.

The small leek is now ok. Cut like this. Now all you have to do is to sum it up, which is very easy. First, put warm rice in a bowl. Then mix here the chicken soup stock, white sesame seeds, sesame oil, dried bonito flakes, salted kelp, and that’s it.

Add the small onions later because if you mix a lot of them in, they will get watery. Now mix well. Using salted kelp this time, but you can also use salted kelp as Korean seaweed. If you want to arrange it, please try making it with Korean nori as well. OK.

Mix well like this. If the rice is a little hard or dry at this point, wrap it and microwave it once at 600 watts for about 1 minute. Then it will come together. Then we’ll put the little leeks in here. And give it a quick mix. OK.

Please mix properly so that the mixture is uniform like this. Now I will grip it. This time, I will use a convenient 100 yen store product for making onigiri. Please lightly wet the inside once here. Then put a handful of rice here.

The lid side is also wetted and put the lid on tightly and press it down firmly. It looks like this. This is how delicious it looks. Now I will grip the rest in the same way. Of course, you can also grip it normally with your hand. Finished gripping.

This is how delicious it looks. Can also put cheese inside or any other ingredients. Onigiri is now complete. Easy recipes at home So now I will introduce the arranged version. First we will make the same rice balls as before.

Add salted kelp, white sesame seeds, chicken broth, bonito flakes, and sesame oil to warm rice. Mix this well once. This is the same as before, so you can skip this part. Mix well. Then put the chopped small leeks here. And then mix it quickly. Now the same rice as before is ready.

Now I will grip this one in the same way. Then I will grip this one as well, using a convenience item. And then I will put it over and hold it tight. It’s like this. Now let’s grip the rest in the same way. Then please grip this rice ball tightly again.

After this, we are going to bake the rice balls a little bit, so please make sure to grip them tightly or they will lose their shape. If it is troublesome to grip it twice like this, please grip it tightly by hand from the beginning.

Now I will grip the rest in the same way. OK. Then I will introduce three patterns this time. The first one is a regular grilled onigiri, the second one is a grilled onigiri with egg, and the last one is a grilled onigiri with cheese. Then I’ll start with the ones that involve eggs.

Crack your eggs into a bowl. Then beat well. It is the image of a large pancake. Once beaten, dip the rice ball into the egg and toss it all together. Like this. The egg version is baked with the egg mixture like this. For the cheese, prepare melted sliced cheese here.

So now going to bake it in a frying pan. Now please prepare the frying pan. First, spread a thin layer of sesame oil. Can use any oil you like. And let’s put it on the fire. The heat is medium.

Spread the oil over the entire surface while heating the oil once for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, place the rice balls. First of all, it’s a normal type. Then the egg version. And the cheese version is baked normally at first. Let’s continue to cook them over medium heat until they start to brown.

After a minute of cooking and browning, now stand it up and cook the area around the edges. Have ho. Be careful not to burn yourself at this point. I think it is a good idea to grill roughly 1 minute per side. When done, turn it around again.

After baking the side, now bake the other side that is not baked, face down. The key here is to take the cheese version out and place the cheese first. After placing the cheese, place the rice balls. Put the uncooked part down. Now let’s give this overhanging cheese a little bit along the sides.

Now going to bake them until they’re nice and brown. This plain type is already baked and taken out. Be careful not to burn yourself. Egg version is also baked and taken out. And the cheese version. Now that the bottom is done, let’s cook the cheese on the sides. OK. Retrieve.

This completes the three patterns of arrangement. One will be a regular grilled onigiri, one will be a grilled onigiri with egg involved, and the last will be a grilled onigiri with cheese grilled together. This arrangement is also very tasty, so please try it. Easy recipes at home

Now you can make salted kelp rice balls. This is how it turned out. The rice balls are finished like this and look delicious. And here is the arranged version. From left to right: cheese, middle is egg, and this is just plain grilled onigiri. These three are also very tasty, so please try them.

It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Now, excuse me for grabbing. Let’s eat. It is very tasty with various tastes mixed together. I can eat a lot of this. Next, I would like to try a slightly browned grilled onigiri. Let’s eat.

I baked it in sesame oil so it has a very savory finish. Delicious, I highly recommend baking these. Now I would like to try the egg coating. Let’s eat. Delicious. It is very tasty with the added mildness of the egg. It also tastes a little bit more like fried rice.

Now I would like to have the cheese version as well. Let’s eat. It is very tasty with the added savory and richness of the cheese. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the point of salted kelp rice balls this time.

First of all, it’s very easy this time because all you have to do is mix it already. I put salted kelp in the rice balls, but you can also substitute Korean seaweed for the kelp. Also, if you substitute shiso leaves for the small green onions, it will be more refreshing.

Shiso leaves are also delicious, so please try this as well. And as for the small leeks, combine the seasonings and add them at the end and fluff them up. If you add the leeks and mix well, the leeks will release water, so be sure to add them last.

And now I have introduced three arranged versions. One is basic baked with sesame oil, one is baked with egg coating, and the last one is baked with cheese melted on it. All three types are savory and have a very different taste, so please try this one as well. I personally recommend the eggs.

The taste changes quite clearly, so please try this or that. I think you can also add any other ingredients of your choice to this rice ball. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home

I made salted kelp rice balls today. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.

So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make salted kelp rice balls. Easy to mix! Once you try it, you won’t be able to stop! This is the devil’s rice ball recipe. Perfect for lunch boxes! It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・ご飯 300g
・塩昆布 10g
・かつおぶし 3g
・小ネギ 1本
・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
・白胡麻 大さじ1
・ごま油 小さじ2

・ご飯 300g
・小ネギ 1本
・塩昆布 10g
・かつおぶし 3g
・白胡麻 大さじ1
・ごま油 小さじ2 ×2
・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
・卵 1個
・スライスチーズ 1枚

・300g Rice
・10g Salt kelp
・3g Bonito flakes
・1 Small green onion
・1/2 tsp Chicken soup base
・1 tbsp White sesame seeds
・2 tsp Sesame oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#おにぎり #お弁当 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. アレンジバージョンが目からウロコ😍✌️ ごま油、卵コーティング、チーズのコク、それぞれに美味しそうです😋 大葉がありました👍… 今日のお昼はこれに決まりです🍙 いつも美味しくて、楽しい動画を有難うございます❣️

  2. 余ったごはんで、よくおにぎり作るので、アレンジおにぎりぜひ作りたいです。

  3. 材料全てあったのですぐ作りました〜!

  4. 手軽な材料で、美味しそうな、おにぎり🍙3バージョン😊レシピありがとうございます

  5. ゆかり先生こんにちは😃

  6. 美味しそうだったので作ってみました

  7. おにぎり🍙大好きで、ラップにくるんで自分様に、パパット梅干し塩こんぶだけで、こんなに色々具材で、ましてや100きんの型で、娘婿のお弁当に良いと、私が作って、娘に伝授します。3パターンもお気に入り間違いなし🎵昨日もゆかり先生のレシピ鳥おこわから色々孫には、林檎🍎ホットケーキうまってパクパクお皿何もかも平らげ嬉しい🎵😍🎵ばあばでした。😂

  8. 今日は、おにぎりも、アレンジすると、オシャレですね?私の焼きおにぎりは、七輪てやいてました、亡くなった主人は、亭主関白だったので、お魚も、炭火焼きて無いと、食べてくれませんてした!外で何時も、パタパタと、炭を起こしてました

  9. 美味しそうですね!

  10. いつも*いつも色々料理考える事は苦に成りませんか😮返って料理考えていた方が良いのかな😋

  11. 主人が夜勤の時は、介護業務なので、なかなかゆっくりお弁当を食べる時間がなく、おにぎりが良いと言うので、夜勤の日は 色んなおにぎりを毎回作るので、おにぎりレシピ嬉しいです😂

  12. いつも楽しみにしています。手軽に出来るおにぎり美味しい具材ありがとうございます。ちょこっと小腹にもいいですね。これからもいろんな料理楽しみです。

  13. 毎日、お昼のお弁当作りします。このおにぎり🍙最高ですね🎵

  14. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  15. ゆかり先生😂私、塩こんぶのおにぎり大好きなんです❤だから今日のレシピ、旦那のお弁当にチャレンジしてみますね😊❤

  16. 美味しそう😊作ってみまーす。

  17. 材料全部うちにあったので、さっそく作ってみました😄ゆかりさん美味しくて簡単に出来るレシピをいつもありがとう❤

  18. ゆかりさんこんばんは😊

  19. いつも楽しく拝見しております、大変おいしくいただきました!
    私は枝豆入れて握ってみましたよ^ ^

  20. ゆかりさん、カフェモカチーズケーキのアレンジで、塩キャラメルチーズケーキのレシピ考案してください🥺

  21. 簡単なのに豪華なおにぎりアレンジ素晴らしいですね挑戦します😊

  22. 美味しそうです🥰1つずつラップして作り置きしたら忙しい時重宝するので、是非作ります(*^^*)✨✨

  23. 作ってみました。残りご飯400g程の量で、塩昆布とかつお節を少し多めに混ぜて作りましたが、とっても美味しかったです。絶対に何度も作ると思います。

  24. 夕方作って美味しく頂きました。小腹が減った時と思いなぎげなく食べたら腹持ちが良く、夕食の時間が遅くなりました。本当に美味しいですね全部作って食べたので・・・!美味しいレシピありがとうございました。

  25. 小ねぎの変わりに大葉を使いました。友達が来て なになに?と興味津々😉卵のアレンジバージョンは目からウロコ☺️👌

  26. 先生!家族皆から、おにぎり美味かった!と言ってもらえました。

  27. 妻にコソッと作って置いといたら
    「これどこのお店で買ってきたの?」って言われました😂笑 ありがとうございます!

  28. 韓国海苔と大葉、良いですね(笑)我が家では夏握りと称して、薬味の美味しい時期に、揚げ玉を入れておにぎりにしていますよ。主人のお弁当にも登場します。(笑)アレンジの焼きおにぎりも参考になります。ありがとうございました!

  29. 小5の息子とよく一緒に見ています。

  30. おにぎり大好きなので是非やってみたいです(*^^*)

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