セイコーマート10選 コスパ最強!北海道土産を手に入れよう!

セイコーマート10選 コスパ最強!北海道土産を手に入れよう!

Hello, convenience store fans around the world! Honestly, I wasn’t sure whether to make this video or not… because·· Please enjoy until the end, including the reason! Wow, this price between Tokyo and Sapporo…

Is the airfare from overseas to Hokkaido worth a trip to space? That’s about it expensive 01:00:43.875,01:00:46.791 Ah, hello again, everyone who is short on money. Today is a special support project for those of us. If you are rich, please stop the video here. I recommend this video lol

Well, I found a way to buy Hokkaido souvenirs at a super cheap price. Is there a way to do that in this day and age where everything is rising in price? Now, “Niseko” is an inflation spot that is becoming a hot topic in Japan. yes! Ramen is 2,000 JPY in Niseko.

It’s here too! Convenience store “Seicomart” in Hokkaido Convenience store with 99.8% population coverage in Hokkaido Products are still cheap in Niseko! ! There are some high-quality wines, though. Seicomart sells many Hokkaido-like products. Recommended Hokkaido souvenir products Hokkaido Milk Candy Price: 115JPY When you think of Hokkaido, you think of delicious milk.

Cheap products filled with the charm of Hokkaido! This channel features Hokkaido’s spectacular scenery and specialty gourmet food. We even introduce rare information that only Hokkaido residents know. If you like it, don’t miss it “Channel registration” Thank you Let’s enjoy traveling to Hokkaido together! Hokkaido Butter Cookie Price: 115JPY

I like how they emphasize the butter produced in Toyotomi Town! Although it doesn’t have the impressive texture like “Kinotoya” Delicious for this price range Excellent as a souvenir Salmon Toba Price: 240JPY What is Salmon Toba? Cut the autumn salmon into halves and leave the skin on.

Washed with seawater and dried in the sea breeze It is a typical delicacy of Hokkaido. People overseas may not like the taste! ? If anyone has tried it, please let me know in the comments. Hokkaido melon jelly price: 138JPY You can also feel the squishiness of the melon fibers. This is a bargain!

How can you offer it at this price? Secoma is a popular series that collects substandard melons from farmers and commercializes them. Substandard products are ones where the mesh of the melon is not perfect or the crown part has come off, so there is no problem with the taste.

You can’t take ice cream as a souvenir, so please try it in Hokkaido. Drinks would make great souvenirs! Hokkaido Melon Sour Price: 120JPY Look for drinks typical of Hokkaido and take them as souvenirs Guarana is typical of Hokkaido. Drinks can make your luggage heavy, so be careful about that.

Mountain Wasabi Salt Ramen Price: 109JPY Cup ramen is bulky but light in weight. Mountain wasabi is a condiment that has long been loved in Hokkaido. It is said to be edible tear gas and has become a hot topic due to its spicy taste!

It’s so stimulating that it’s called a prank from Secoma, so please limit it to close friends only. There are also Hokkaido-like bread products. It can be easily crushed, so you need to carry it carefully. “Bean bread” loved by Hokkaido people “Yokanpan” is also a popular sweet bread in Hokkaido.

The series using abundantly produced milk is delicious and recommended. Occasionally, unusual breads are released lol It’s unique to a local convenience store. Even bread is perfect as a souvenir! Flavor types: sugar, maple caramel I haven’t seen garlic flavor lately.

It’s the only rusk that isn’t sweet, but I wonder if it’s out of print? If anyone knows, please tell me in the comment section~ Daifuku Price: 108JPY~ Daifuku is a good choice as a souvenir Let me tell you the shortcomings first. The expiration date is about a week, so check before buying.

We have a rich lineup of daifuku made with sticky rice and red beans from Hokkaido. Dorayaki is recommended! Price: 128JPY~ This series is at specialty store level Of course we use adzuki beans and wheat from Hokkaido. Wonderful soft and moist fabric There is also a one month expiration date.

I don’t think there are any drawbacks Foreigners may not like the sweet taste of beans! ? This project introduces delicious Hokkaido souvenirs at low prices. The answer was found at Seicomart, a convenience store in Hokkaido. There may not be a more satisfying souvenir than this! ?

I don’t want sales at other souvenir shops to drop. This is where we are today See you again in the next video!




北海道の冬旅行で気をつけるべき服装(Your Guide to Traveling Hokkaido, Japan: Tips & Insights)

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北海道大学はどんなところ? 北大の楽しい巡り方







▷【知らないと損!】六花亭はマルセイバターサンドだけじゃない! 前編
【知らないと損!】六花亭はマルセイバターサンドだけじゃない! 前編

▷【厳選】札幌味噌ラーメン6選 ※もう迷わない
【厳選】札幌味噌ラーメン6選 ※もう迷わない




▷札幌スープカレー3選 ※もう迷わない
札幌スープカレー3選 ※もう迷わない



  1. 安価なお菓子がたくさん。 予算を抑えた旅行者にとっては良い提案です。 この動画のせいで他のお土産が売れなくなっても、ここに保存したものは他のお土産の購入に使えるのでご安心ください。 したがって、全体的により多くのアイテムが購入されます。( Win Win ) ❤

  2. お土産購入でもセコマを利用できるんですね!
    北海道ドライブでお腹が空いたときはわざわざセコマを探してホットシェフ カツ丼と北海道ミルク&コーヒーがゴールデンコンビです。

  3. こんばんは⋆🌙·̩͙‪⋆͛

  4. 元道産子、今本州の西端に在住😢 セイコマが無い生活が耐えられない😂

  5. Like number 20 😃👍 Thanks for sharing your beautiful and interesting video 👍 Many beautiful places and delicious food in Hokkaido prefecture 🙇🏼‍♀️ Have a nice and blissful evening 🙇🏼‍♀️ Greetings from Belgium☕ 🇧🇪🙇🏼‍♀️🎶🎤🐦

  6. ゆずハイボールと長次郎焼酎ハイボール飲んだけど、どっちとも美味しかった。また買いたい。

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