【沖縄旅行①】peachで行く! 2泊3日家族旅行。成田空港から那覇へ。ハイアットリージェンシー瀬良垣宿泊。絶景オーシャンビューのお部屋と朝食ビュッフェ♪

【沖縄旅行①】peachで行く! 2泊3日家族旅行。成田空港から那覇へ。ハイアットリージェンシー瀬良垣宿泊。絶景オーシャンビューのお部屋と朝食ビュッフェ♪

Hello! This is haru! This time I went to Okinawa for 3 days and 2 nights. From Narita Airport, use the LCC peach. The carry-on baggage limit was 7 kg, so it was difficult to organize my luggage. This is the weight of your personal belongings and Boston bag! I’m relieved that it’s 6.5 kilos

, but if I add plastic bottled drinks to it, it’s over 7 kilos, so it’s pretty close…I’m fine on the way there, but I have to be careful on the way back because if I buy souvenirs, it might exceed the limit.This time, I booked a type called Value Peach. I chose

One that comes with options such as seat selection, checked baggage, changes, and refunds , so I don’t mind if it exceeds 7 kg, but since it would be a hassle to pick up my luggage if I checked it in, I managed to keep it under 7 kg. We checked in online.The

Weight of our luggage was checked before boarding.The flight was at 3:50 pm, but since we were traveling by bus, boarding started around 3:20 pm.Get off the bus. The seats are purple in color and there are no cute monitors, but you

Can access the in-flight server from your smartphone or tablet to purchase products and watch videos and flight maps.I downloaded them in advance on Netflix. My son and husband were watching a drama that I had saved.My son and husband were reading the manga of February’s winner that I had downloaded from U-NEXT.The

Sunset was beautiful.In no time at all, we were at Naha Airport just after 7:30pm. , the airport wasn’t crowded.Mensore greeted me and went to pick up my rental car.I chose the same Nissan rental car as last time.The

First place I went to was A&W, a hamburger shop that originated in the United States and is only found in Okinawa in Japan.It also had American-style goods. The shop also has a pop atmosphere.The famous root beer is a drink made from over 14 types of herbs.It

Has quite a peculiar taste, so different tastes will vary.Bigger CheeseburgerThe A&W Burger Jr.Chicken SandwichHamburger and fries. It was delicious and different from Japanese hamburgers! After that, I stopped at a convenience store near the hotel.It was fun because they sell local sweets and food.Okinawa BayarisuOkinawa limited pretzelsOkinawa ‘s soul food, pork eggsThere

Are many kinds of themBeni potato tartBlue seal ice creamI mentioned earlier We arrived at the Okinawa Soba cup noodle hotel , which also had A&W ice cream . The hotel we will be staying at this time is the Hyatt Regency Seragaki, which is a relatively new hotel that opened in 2018. After

Dropping off our luggage, we go to the parking lot and park our car. It’s a little far from the parking lot to the hotel, but we recommend traveling by tuk-tuk. There are flights from time to time, so there was almost no waiting time.The breeze was pleasant and the illuminations were beautiful.We

Arrived at the hotel in no time and checked in.The lobby has a high ceiling and has an open feel.There is an aquarium. We had breakfast at this restaurant where there were cute fish.The

Elevator is of the type where you cannot press the destination floor button without touching the card key, so it is safe.The room is on the 4th floor.We will easily take a room tour! Since there are 3 of us, we asked for an extra bed. Electric kettle, mineral water, coffee and tea. Refrigerator .

TV is of the type that doesn’t connect to the internet . Safe . Washroom. Hair dryer . Body towels and bath towels. Soap. Shampoo. Toothbrush and hair brush. Bath. There is a bathtub, a hand shower , a toilet, an iron and an ironing board, and room wear and slippers for three people.I

Went out to the balcony, but since it was night, I couldn’t see anything (lol).It was an ocean view.I ate the ice cream I bought at a convenience store and went to bed early. is! It’s the next morning and the weather is beautiful! The sea is right in front of you.The thing

You can see in the distance is the ANA Intercontinental.The sea is very clear and the balcony is quite large.I went to have breakfast.It was around 9am, but it was pretty crowded.While I was waiting. We took a little walk around . Breakfast can be eaten outside. It

Took about 5 minutes for our turn to arrive. Breakfast at the hotel is one of the pleasures. We had Western, Japanese, and Okinawan food. The Seragaki French toast on the top left was really delicious! ! There are many types of drinks that were best served with brown sugar sauce

. Juices included Shikwasa and other items.Okinawa cuisineOkinawa soba was also available.The steak will be grilled in front of you.It’s a luxury from the morning♪ You’ll be served with salt.The eggs Benedict omelet, which was very delicious, will also be made in front of you. You can choose the ingredients you want to put in

The omelet.You can take out the delicious drinks.The sea view from your room is so beautiful that just looking at it is soothing.Get ready and go! Next time, it will be a VLOG about popular sightseeing spots in northern Okinawa! If you like, please subscribe to the channel and wait for the next video!


・15時50分発成田空港(Tokyo Narita)からLCCのpeachで那覇空港(Okinawa Naha)へ
・ハイアットリージェンシー瀬良垣アイランド沖縄(Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island, Okinawa)に滞在、ルームツアーと朝食

0:00 成田空港から出発
3:03 那覇空港到着
3:53 A&W
6:14 ハイアットリージェンシー瀬良垣アイランド沖縄&ルームツアー
12:06 ホテルの朝食

沖縄vlog 2022


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