

Hello, everyone. We’re enjoying a trip in our DIY camper van with our beloved dog Chibisuke and our former rescue dog Bota. This time, we’ve come to Hanayama Onsen in Wakayama, near my wife’s hometown of Osaka. It’s a special hot spring for us, so we’re excited. Feels great. Let’s go.

Since we’re here, we plan to camp by the nearby seaside before heading back. Chibichan is still being carried. Interesting. It’s cold today as well, huh? I’m hungry. Shall we eat? The best part of car camping is the food. It’s not like being at home. It’s been a while since Takeru-kun appeared.

Thanks for everything, Takeru-kun. This time, I thought I’d cook Chibi and Bota’s meal in the rice cooker. I usually make it at home, but I’m not sure if Takeru-kun can handle it. But I’m sure Takeru-senpai can do it. Will it really turn out okay…? Eco Flow DELTA2 Specs: Capacity 1,042Wh, Output 1,500w

Weight: Approximately 12kg, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth compatible Charging time: 80% in 50 minutes, full charge in 80 minutes We’ll use the new rice cooker to make our meals. It’s my first time using EcoFlow’s power bank, but it’s amazing how many outlet sockets it has. That’s true.

I was confused about where to plug it in. Number of output ports: 6 AC ports, 9 DC ports 2 USB-C (100W), 2 DC5521 Chibibo’s favorite spot is under this desk. Looks delicious. The Tanba shimeji mushrooms really add a nice touch. It’ll be ready soon. I’m hungry. The rice looks tasty.

It’s just one serving, so it’s good for preventing overeating. For us, at least. But it cooks in 14 minutes. So don’t try to get seconds too soon. Cheers to our first night at Hanayama Onsen in 2 years. Hits the spot. A lemon chu-hi after a bath really hits the spot, huh?

I was a bit out of it for a moment there. Too delicious. Really? Looks delicious. After a long bath, you crave something spicy. Like plain tofu. We’ve got some. Let’s eat. Delicious. The god of eyeballing measurements.

Hanayama Onsen is Yuta’s favorite onsen in Kansai, but what did you think of our second visit in 2 years? How was our second visit to Hanayama Onsen after 2 years? Is it okay to say this…? I think I’ve been to over 200 baths across all 47 prefectures in Japan. Yeah.

Wakayama was probably the fifth or fourth prefecture I visited. I felt a bit disappointed in myself comparing the first time I visited Hanayama Onsen to this second visit, in terms of the difference in excitement. Really? When we first went to Hanayama Onsen, it was in the early days.

We were like, “Wow, there’s a hot spring like this!?” But after visiting various hot springs across the country, Hanayama Onsen, which costs around 900 yen, Well, it raises the bar a bit, doesn’t it? Yeah, it does make it a bit harder to impress. I thought it wasn’t good.

Has your palate become more refined? I thought it wasn’t good. It applies to everything, you know. It’s not about there being better hot springs elsewhere, it’s just that recreating that initial excitement from the first time was difficult. Today, I was surprised, or rather disappointed in myself.

You know how sometimes you have really good memories with an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend, and when you meet them again, you think, “I should have left it as a memory”? I’ve heard of that happening, and I kind of feel like it’s similar. Do you think so? All of a sudden!?

I don’t really get that analogy. You always try to make comparisons even if you’re not good at it. You could have just said, “I should have left it as a memory,” couldn’t you? Maybe there weren’t many good memories by the time you broke up. Memories tend to be idealized.

So, for example, with your first love or someone you liked in school, You might think, “I should have let it end as my first love,” but You did date once and then broke up, right? How’s Chibi-chan and Bota-chan’s food? I think it’s looking good. It’s our first time with Takel-san. Opening it up.

Looks delicious. Feels good. They’re cooked through nicely. There was too much water though. The potatoes are looking good too. If we switch it up with carrots, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes, it’ll still be great. Takel-senpai, you’re promoted to be in charge of Chibi and Bota’s food from here! Promotion!

We’ll start topping their regular food. Sorry for the wait, Chibi and Bota. Chibi and Bota’s dinner is usually around 8 to 10 PM. On days with more snacks, it’s a bit later. They’re eating well, aren’t they? It’s great that we can now add homemade toppings. Rice cookers are amazing. Takel-kun is amazing.

Should we use the forbidden ultimate move? What’s that? Haha. I’ve always wanted to… Should we bring out the kotatsu? Sounds good, kotatsu. A kotatsu with an electric blanket. Nice. Kotatsu camping? Kotatsu camping. Is that okay? It’s cold. Sounds good. This table is like a kotatsu, isn’t it?

I think it’ll get really warm if we put an electric blanket on top. Certainly. Should we try it? Once we can do this, I’ll probably end up sleeping here. Indeed. Isn’t this just perfect? This electric blanket has been around for three years, you know. It’s really durable. It’s so good.

Kotatsu warmth is nice. For this occasion… Speaking of kotatsu, it’s all about mandarins, right? Exactly. Here we go. So delicious. Sweet. Very sweet. This one’s the winner. We’re having a showdown to see which mandarin is sweeter. A bit sour. A bit tart. But a bit watery. Slightly watery aftertaste. So this one’s tastier.

Not very tasty. Why though? It’s delicious. Tastes like hands. Because we’ve been kneading it so much? Tastes like Hanayama Onsen. Chibobo seems to like the kotatsu too. Cute, isn’t it? Bota: “If I wasn’t cute.” Bota: “Most things in the world wouldn’t be cute.” Quite confident.

That’s the kind of attitude that makes people dislike you, so you better stop. The usual bed opening time. Thank you. I’m so sleepy. Since the location for sleeping in the car tonight is great, I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning’s walk. Good night. Turning off the light. Cute, Chibi. Thank you. It’s raining.

It’s raining… Bocchan, it’s morning. Wake up, Bocchan. Bota: “Get that girl in front of me up!” So rude, even in the morning. Unfortunately, it’s raining, but it’s so beautiful, it doesn’t feel like Osaka’s sea. (Complimenting) It’s a shame about the weather. It must have been even more beautiful. What a pity.

Transitioning from bed mode to counter mode. Nice. Making hot sandwiches for breakfast. This is the first day using this hot sandwich maker. It can toast two slices at once, so it’s great. It would take quite a while if we did one at a time. The previous one was one at a time, right?

But it took too long. That’s why this time, I decided we’ll definitely do two at once. And it’s electric, not gas, so that’s great. With the gas hot sandwich maker, it was highly likely to burn. Waiting for about 5 minutes… Is it done yet? I wonder? Looks delicious. Here we go. Thank you.

Looks delicious. If only we had some cherry tomatoes. Indeed. Delicious. Doubling up on cheese and ham was a good call. It’s incredibly tasty. This counter mode is nice too. I tried using a different portable power source than usual for the first time this time.

I’ve been using the same one for about two years, and I think it’s the first time I’ve had a capacity that’s about 1000Wh larger in practice. Functionally, it’s almost not changing anymore. Because everywhere is evolving. What I thought this time was that it actually looked surprisingly neat when I put it down.

The storage became really neat, you know. If there’s a chance to buy, I’d like to match the size here. I think it’s quite possible to find something that fits. When I was using MOCO, I couldn’t tell how much power was left in the portable power source stored in the back.

That was really inconvenient. But when I started using others, I was saying how great it is that you can see the EcoFlow screen on your mobile phone, right? That’s really good, isn’t it? EcoFlow products are stylish, aren’t they? They’re kind of stylish.

One thing I can say is that portable power sources are essential for car camping. I think so. Also, the shape depends on the usage and storage space. That’s important, I realized. The information about the EcoFlow used this time is described in the overview section.

If you’re considering a portable power source, be sure to check it out. Next, how about making senbei? Sounds good. Let’s make some senbei. We don’t have to go that far. I’ll do a little work and then head back. Take a longer walk while it’s not raining to get some exercise.

Thank you for watching until the end.







★カムラフウフサークル (メンバーシップ)

★カムラフウフの日常生活 (夫婦チャンネル)





0:00 温泉&車中泊スポットに移動
1:00 スポット到着&車中飯
3:48 ご飯を食べながら落胆した話
6:35 ちびぼーのご飯タイム
7:32 こたつ導入
9:50 就寝
10:13 起床&散歩
11:21 朝ご飯
13:00 食後のティータイム
14:40 エンディング

#車中泊 #夫婦 #バンライフ #犬 #トイプードル #キャンピングカー #ハイエース
#EcoFlow #ポータブル電源 #エコフロー #防災 #バレンタイン #DELTA2
#車中泊キャンプ #hiace #vanlife #camping #couple #dog


  1. タケルさーん‼️

  2. ポタ電はいろんなメーカーさんのが出ていますよね。スマホで管理が出来るのとか

  3. 御二人の会話耳触り良く三年目(斉藤由貴)を聴いてるみたいで、凄く仲が良いのが伝わって来ますね😊

  4. 動画配信ありがとうございます😊まさかのコタツ。。コタツムリにならないで下さいねー笑

  5. 全国を回ったお二人ならではの悩みですね~(^_^;)

  6. タケル先輩はもう卒業したかと思ってました。思い出を美化=思い出補正って私は名付けてます。

  7. やっぱり車中泊は米🌾ですね〜😆

  8. EcoFLOWDELTA2欲しいポタ電です!

  9. 私達夫婦も 花山温泉大好きです!

  10. 和歌山花山温泉♨懐かしいですね😄過去の和歌山編を思いでしますね😄花山温泉行こうとずっと思ってますがいまだに行けていません😅確かにどんな場所でも二度目だと感動は薄まりますね!!車内コタツ最高ですね😄暖かそう😄でもコタツで寝ないようなして下さいね!!

  11. こんにちは。ちびちゃんとぼーちゃんのごはん炊飯器でたけるんですね。参考になりました。我が家の老犬トイプーはゆでた肉ばかり食べるので、ああやってお野菜も一緒に炊いてみようと思いました。こたつ暖かそうでいいですね。先日ポタ電を購入。車中で電気をふんだんに使えるってありがたいですよね。寒いので暖かく過ごしてください。

  12. 私もやってみましたが、温泉のトップ10とボトム3の抽出は割とスラスラ簡単に出てきますが、トップ3の絞り込みはかなり難しいですね。花山温泉はトップ10入りが妥当だと思います。

  13. 本当、車もオシャレ❤使い勝手も最高ですね😃

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