【沖縄 観光】(ぜひ訪ねて欲しい通りシリーズその04)コザの象徴で、異国情緒溢れる通りーコザゲート通り[ Inokuma TOURIST ]

【沖縄 観光】(ぜひ訪ねて欲しい通りシリーズその04)コザの象徴で、異国情緒溢れる通りーコザゲート通り[ Inokuma TOURIST ]

Hello everyone! And good evening! This is Inokuma from Inokuma TOURIST! This channel introduces travel information such as sightseeing spots, historic sites, transportation, accommodation facilities, and restaurants in Okinawa and Taiwan. If you watch this video and find it interesting or useful, please do a good button or subscribe to our channel.

There are streets in the city that are loved by locals. In the videos in the Streets I Want You to Visit series, I introduce streets that are loved by locals. The fourth time is Kozagate Street.

Koza City existed from 1956 to 1974, and at that time was the only municipality in Japan with a katakana name. Even though it has become Okinawa City, many Okinawans may feel more familiar with calling it Koza.

During the period of American rule after World War II, the city had been a farming village with many fields, but the city changed completely with the construction of many US military bases such as Kadena Air Base.

Kozagate Street is a street built between the entrance and exit of the US military base and the intersection of National Route 330. Koza Music Town, which is a symbol of this intersection, is built at the intersection of National Route 330, and the city is expanding around this area.

Among them, Kozagate Street is worthy of being the main entrance of the base’s temple town, and even today it is lined with shops catering to foreigners and shops run by foreigners, giving it an exotic atmosphere.

Tourists visiting this street for the first time may feel as if they have wandered into a street in another country. Let’s visit Kozagate Street. Kadena Gate 2 is visible in the back. Now, let’s walk towards National Route 330 from the Kadena Air Base side!

When I moved to Okinawa, I was surprised at how many tattoo parlors there are. Is this also an influence of American culture? There are also many tattoo parlors along this street. I found a cafe that felt like a mix of Japanese and American (“chanpuru” in Okinawan language)!

There is a stylish bakery next door! The Okinawa City Postwar Cultural Materials Exhibition Hall was located on Koza Gate Street. Anyway, as expected from Koza Gate Street! This color scheme is so bold for a government facility! It seems like only Okinawa City and Chatan Town have money exchange shops in the city.

Oh, this is also a tattoo shop! If anyone knows why Western clothing and India are connected, please let me know in the comments! 🙇 This is also a tattoo shop! It’s strange to me because when I’m on this street, English signboards seem like commonplace. I found a shop with punk or psychedelic colors!

Is this a country-style cafe? This is also a shop that sells handmade crafts with a very Japanese atmosphere! I love that there is a tempura restaurant in such an exotic atmosphere, and it’s very Okinawan! Koza Music Town came into view. It is the red and yellow building on the right that stands out!

Okinawa City Suncity Shopping Street. Okinawa City is the city of Eisa. These bronze statues are the mascots “Eibo” and “Sir-chan”.


0:00 オープニングと解説
3:00 コザゲート通り前半。タトゥー店など
4:55 コザゲート通り中盤。沖縄市戦後文化資料展示館・両替店・インド用品店など
8:57 コザゲート通り後半。天ぷら店・沖縄市サンシティ商店街など
12:01 コザゲート通りへの行き方
12:27 エンディング


#沖縄市 #コザ #コザゲート通り


  1. 猪熊さん 撮影ご苦労様です😊

  2. 猪熊のおっチャンネルさん、撮影ご苦労様です。 コザのゲート通りは、英語の看板が目立ちますよね。 インド人のテーラーが多いのはなぜでしょうね。 何年か前にこのゲート通りを会場に、国際カーニバルが開催されていましたよ。又、ゲート通りからパークアベニュー通りの間で沖縄市の工芸展なども開かれたりして、その機会に歩くことがありました。又、ゲート通りから保健所通りにかけてイッペー並木があるので、撮影に来た事もありますよ。  異国情緒が感じられるのもやっぱり基地に近いからなんでしょうか。昔は白人街、黒人街などもあったらしいのですが、その頃のコザは知りません。でも名残りは所々残っているみたいですね。

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