刺激!探洞去!穿梭高雄柴山鐘乳石洞穴 肉腳也能玩的地心探險【帶你潘爬】EP1 WellMedia

刺激!探洞去!穿梭高雄柴山鐘乳石洞穴 肉腳也能玩的地心探險【帶你潘爬】EP1 WellMedia

Are you worn out by incessant work? Hello everyone, I am Pan-Hao. It took me two and a half years to walk through 50 mountains. Traveled through countless trails. I discovered many beautiful scenery in Taiwan. If you have traveled in the city, might as well change a direction,

Follow me and walk into the mountains. We are now at Chaishan. Chaishan is divided into Chaishan is divided into North and South Chaishan. We are at the Longquan Temple trail in North Chaishan. The plans for later. The first we will go to the Grand Canyon.

I heard beautiful light would come in around 10am. Then we can head to our main spot today, cave exploration, for an adventure in the North-peak Bliss Cave. Then follow the O route and go up, we will reach a certain height in North Chaishan. For the sea view. After lunch,

We can see two instagramable spots in the afternoon. The first one is “A Curtain Of Love Dreams”. The second one is Taiguo Valley. Get ready to go. Behind me is a foreigner. Because this mountain is called Taiwanese macaques appear here. Foreigners like to visit very much. Morning. Sweeping while hiking.

As we start, we’ll go on a planned wooden boardwalk like this. We’ll be there probably within 10 minutes. The first spot we will get is The cool thing about Xiaoxibeizhong is in the soil here, or inside the limestone, You can see life traces of the early Makadao people.

It′s said you need to go deeper into the woods. I just saw the sign of Xiaoxibeizhong. You have to walk a bit more into the forest. About 3 more minutes. Look down your feet and the soil around. You can see a lot of pottery Or pieces of shells in here.

It takes about another ten minutes. You will see an attraction, Geothelphusa Makatao Bridge. This wooden plank is built above the ground. This height is for the land crabs here or small animals, and insects to pass by. When we get close to nature, we won’t step on them, or damage their environment.

We′re partners right? Tell you something. You can’t laugh. Okay. I think I stepped on poop. What? Rub with the branches. Get it off. Poop-cleaning photographer. Be careful for monkey poop when coming to Chaishan. Congratulations on cleaning up the poop. Even grandma is clapping for you. You can film the Banping Mountain.

You can see it here. Known as the Mount Fuji in Kaohsiung. Really? So it′s good here. Chaishan is actually close to the sea. After plate compression, it rose to become a hill. So it was originally on the bottom of the sea. These are all limestones of coral reef.

This kind of rock is more fragile. So the land here is more fragmented. We are about to come to an area for adventure. Be careful with the camera. You okay? Wow. Did we come here last time? Yes, we did. It’s impossible to forget. The vines here are all rotten.

Or, it′s all covered with vines, very beautiful. Oh really? This is Xiaozuilu. There is a Zhuilu Oil Trail in Hualien And the scenery here is similar to that one. Narrow path. Very steep. Lean on the stone wall to pass. Hold on tight and step firmly. So you won’t fall. Hello. Just arrived?

Yes we did. This is Ms. Qiao. Ms. Qiao is our patroller. She will lead us to the Bliss Cave for adventure. Hi guys. Here is our first point to climb. Ms. Qiao will demonstrate. It seems like a dangerous move. Your left foot can go here. Then just go down slowly.

This kind of terrain is easier to step on. There are many holes where you can grab and apply force. The place where Ms. Qiao went down, you can climb with ropes. Photographer: (She did not pull the rope) The rope has been tied outside for a long time.

So it′s better not to use all your strength to pull on the rope. Usually, You go down in rock climbing. Then face the rock wall. Make sure your limbs are set firmly. Move one limb at a time. When your hands and feet are steady, move one of the legs.

Our team, after all the hardships, finally arrived the North-peak Bliss Cave. Here with us is Coach Duck. Hello. Usually you just climb down directly. But because you have your filming equipment. So I set up a zipline device for you. The coach plans ahead for us. No need to worry about machine get damaged,

Or hit something. Wear the equipment first. Helmet later. On our helmet, Put the headlights on. We are now in the Bliss Cave. You can see a lot of limestone here. Also a lot of stalactites here. With some stone curtains. Incredible. Kaohsiung. Be careful. Many places to climb here.

I might need to help you with the camera. Careful. Holy. Thanks. Careful here, your feet might get stuck. Okay. See it. Who usually comes to do this? The age range is big. Family, parents with children. Can children do this? Or office workers? Maybe they want to come on holidays. For some leisure activity.

On the day-offs, many people come here to hike. So if you want a more adventurous trip, Or want to see a different landscape, go online and search for the “patroller” webpage. To find someone to lead you in the cave like this. You can go to Chaishan Natural National Park to apply.

Do you want a more adventurous task? There is a hole below that you can get into. More? This? Let you experience a more different limestone cave. You mean here? Are you serious? That’s right, this is it. Photographers won′t be able to get in. You shouldn’t be able to get in.

If your build fits, and you want to challenge, you can go in and have a look. And there’s a stone straw inside. You can go look for it. Stone straw? It is a newly formed stalactite that′s hollow. I am now given this task. I take GoPro and my phone to record what′s inside.

Photographer: (Careful with the Gopros) What about me? How can they only care about GoPro? Can I really get in? Let me try. OK. A good start is half the battle. I will come out alive. How do you feel now? Wow. I′m not sure if I can turn. Wow. It’s great inside. Hello.

Inside is very spacious. Only the entrance is scarier. Okay. The cave. Very exciting Hey, it’s cool here. You can see many stalactites shaping. A bit transparent. I am left alone in this cave. I am not sure. I should go this way? Yes. I hear it and I see the light. Wow. Finally. I went the wrong way. See it. The rescue rope. I’m saved. Coach Duck is here to save me. Good. To ensure safety now. Good. I’m ready to go up. The feet goes up first. You won’t feel tired if you use your legs.

For climbing, use your legs, not your arms. If you are here in the cave, might as well try the tiny holes. I think it’s very cool. Great. Wonderful experience. When do we usually see the light? Actually, around 10:30 or 11:00 Or after 11am. It′s really beautiful when you see it. The entire entrance. Then these are. Like this one.

This is the so-called stone curtain. It′s the water flowing down, leaving the traces of a certain width. The calcium carbonates slowly settled here. For the summer, there are more heavy rains or the plum rain season. So it will speed up the growth of the stalactites inside.

So we are not open during the summer. I’m wearing long sleeves and long pants here. What is the reason? Mainly to protect yourself. There are microorganisms in the cave. If the skin comes into contact with the rock inside, it can cause some sensitive reactions. And the human skin carries oily substance,

From the sweat, the sebum. Those also indirectly affect the formation of the stalactites. So wearing long sleeves and pants to the caves is not only to protect the environment but also protect ourselves. Now, our photography equipment and the lighting will be sent out by this track. Byebye. I am full of happiness.

With the whole team here. You can climb in any pose. But it will be recorded. Doggy style is okay too. That’s right. It was really scary climbing up. Much scarier than going down. By comparison, her sister has a cooler pose. Yes, that. Pan-Hao wants to put the rope away. You need to climb. Right. Seriously? My turn. Oops. Got it, got it. Alright. This time without a ladder. Rock climbing is very exciting. But because I′m harnessed, still feel quite safe. Great fun. It′s really hard to shoot this. But it′s very fun. I highly recommend it. You may want to watch out for this. Oh no. Lunch was attacked by ants. Fortunately, I sealed them tightly. This is what happens with the ants on the mountain. You want to bring more food? The food smells too good.

We are now at the Presidential Palace. Only, where is the presidential palace? Looks like an arch. It looks like a welcome gate. Has Ma Ying-jeou ever stood guard here? Or any former president? Some people say that. Whether it′s true or not, I think it is a way to make hiking more fun.

You can see the banyan tree here. They all look very different. The banyan tree has aerial roots. When the aerial roots grow until they touch the ground, to absorb nutrients from the ground, they will become prop roots. They get thicker and thicker. So have you ever heard that the banyan tree is

The tree with legs. Our next stop is As for North Qingchunling, it is the one of the heights of North Chaishan. You can overlook the sea there. Let’s go this way. Good. Let’s go. On the way to North Qingchunling, there are also some climbing areas. Also need to be careful here.

You can reach there in about 10 minutes. Be careful here. Because there is a, scary gap. Just cross it carefully. If you have fear of heights, never look down. Wow. This is the height of North Chaishan. Visibility is pretty good today. Look at the sun shining on that sea.

The sparkling view is actually quite dreamy. This is the century-old Common Jasmin Orange in Chaishan Have you heard of Qilixiang by Jay Chou? This is it. Common Jasmin Orange. Qilixiang is its the other name. So it is Qilixiang? Yes it is. What a surprise! Because its flower fragrance can spread far.

Because its flower fragrance can spread far. That′s why its Chinese is Qilixiang. But it’s not the blossom season now. When does it bloom? Around summer. Now is the fruiting period. You can see the fruits there. New fruits are green. They turn red when mature. Then our next stop is to

A curtain of Dreams. Wow, it feels like the forest adventure in Thailand. Is this here? Here is A curtain of Dreams. This is season vine. Here, do you see? Below is the reddish root. See? This is its primary root. It gets longer and goes down. Then the yellow part above,

Is the more mature roots. It has another name: Bead Curtain. It’s a bit like this. We can open it like this. Like the curtain at grandma′s house. That′s why it′s called Bead Curtain. This cliff here is full of orange, white, grayish rock formation. Because it contains a lot of iron.

If you are popular on Instagram like me, you can get your friends stand across from it. Then shoot this way. It can get your entire body and this magnificent landscape. I wasn′t into mountain climbing. I started to like it later. Going to the mountain step and step.

See a lot of animals and plants. Gradually fall in love with it Nature conservation is what people care about in recent years. To be able to participate in this, I’m also very happy. I have had a very fulfilling day. A group of office workers like us taking this trip,

Who sit in the office for a long time. What do you think about our physical strength today? I think it’s good. And you were very serious about introducing the scenery of Chaishan. So more people can know it. Everyone can come to Chaishan, this a treasure house. A lot to explore here.

Seeing everyone’s smiles outside the office, I think it’s great. We will have more amazing trip next time to continue our adventure in North Chaishan. See you next time. Byebye. In addition to leading people to join the caving trip, we also do some environmental education. Or a site tour. We will do monitoring work.

Like the research of scholars, we can provide them information. It requires training offered by Shoushan National Nature Park. The course lasts about 2 months. Then there is an exam at the end. After you pass it, you are a certified patroller. If you like mountains, or you usually read about it,

The exam is not difficult. In fact, Shoushan is really suitable for the public. To come as a group. Because it is very close to the city. No need to spend a lot of time. To drive a long mountain road or what. It′s easy to go up the mountain.

For people who don′t climb as much, you can hike on the trails to improve your strength to a certain level. And maybe you would think, you can challenge something harder, or wanting to see some more different scenery. Shoushan is a treasure house of Kaohsiung. Yes. If you don’t come to explore,

It′s a waste.

#登山 #高雄景點 #柴山 #鐘乳石洞 #WellMediia

00:00 節目簡介
00:21 本日登山路線
01:16 第1站 – 小溪貝塚:平埔族馬卡道族人於史前時代,使用貝類、陶器的遺址
03:55 第2站 – 柴山大峽谷:一線天景色 冬季約9點半會出現夢幻峽谷光線
04:55 攀爬技巧教學
05:35 第3站 – 北峰極樂洞洞穴探險:柴山最具挑戰性的洞穴之一
13:53 第4站 – 北青春嶺:北柴山制高點 眺望海景
14:36 第5站 – 一簾幽夢:別名株簾,密布的錦屏藤為外來種
15:15 第6站 – 泰國谷:與泰國攀牙灣國家公園的石壁相似,含礦物質成分
16:29 Q&A時間


Challenge the ultimate adventure! This episode takes you to the Chaishan Stalactite Cave in Kaohsiung, where you can stay away from the office for a while and experience nature from a different perspective! Host Pan Hao led office workers to climb Monkey Mountain, starting from Longquan Temple, crossing the Grand Canyon, climbing Beifeng Jile Cave, and even challenging Chaishan Cave Adventure! Experience beautiful scenery along the way, explore century-old Common Jasmin Orange, and enjoy the beauty of nature. Come and experience the amazing journey of Chaishan, relax and embrace a secret adventure in the suburbs!
#hiking #kaohsiung #stalactites #WellMedia


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