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The Senju Shichifukujin tour is a walking course that visits seven shrines in the Senju area of Adachi Ward, Tokyo. You can stroll through the streets of Kita-Senju, which retains the atmosphere of a downtown area while modernizing. Here are some of the main spots on the Senju Shichifukujin tour:

Senju Hon-Hikawa Shrine (Daikokuten): The deity enshrined is Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who is considered the god of abundant harvest, fortune, and rich food and drink.

Okawamachi Hikawa Shrine (Hotei): The deities enshrined are Susanoo-no-Mikoto and Ukanomitama-no-Mikoto, who are considered the gods of mercy and harmony, foresight and financial luck.

Motojuku Shrine (Jurōjin): The deities enshrined are Ukanomitama-no-Mikoto and Homutawakeno-Mikoto, who are considered the gods of longevity and life extension.

Senju Shrine (Ebisu): The deities enshrined are Susanoo-no-Mikoto and Ukanomitama-no-Mikoto, who are considered the gods of the sea, fishing, and business prosperity.

Hachiman Shrine (Bishamonten): The deity enshrined is Homutawakeno-Mikoto, who is considered the god of disaster removal, treasure, and military affairs.

Kawaramachi Inari Shrine (Fukurokuju): The deity enshrined is Ukanomitama-no-Mikoto, who is considered the god of longevity and wealth.

Nakamachi Hikawa Shrine (Benzaiten): The deity enshrined is Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who is considered the god of wisdom, performing arts, water, and wealth.

◉ 氷川神社(大黒天): 祭神は素盞鳴尊で、五穀豊穣、福徳、飲食を豊かにする厨房の神様とされています。
◉ 大川町氷川神社(布袋尊): 祭神は素盞鳴尊と倉稲魂命で、慈悲と和合の神様、予知と金運の神様とされています。
◉ 元宿神社(寿老神): 祭神は倉稲魂命と誉田別命で、長寿と延命の神様とされています。
◉ 千住神社(恵比寿天): 祭神は素盞鳴尊と倉稲魂命で、海上、漁業の神様、商売繁盛の神様とされています。
◉ 八幡神社(毘沙門天): 祭神は誉田別命で、除災、財宝、軍事等の神様とされています。
◉ 河原町稲荷神社(福禄寿): 祭神は倉稲魂命で、長寿、富貴の神様とされています。
◉ 仲町氷川神社(弁財天): 祭神は素盞鳴尊で、知恵、芸能、水、財福等の神様とされています。



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