【本格パッタイ】このレシピで作れば間違いなく美味しい!Pad thaï🍲/How to make Pad thai【簡単料理】

【本格パッタイ】このレシピで作れば間違いなく美味しい!Pad thaï🍲/How to make Pad thai【簡単料理】

Make authentic Pad Thai I can’t find fried tofu in French supermarkets, so I make it myself. However, tofu is surprisingly easy to obtain. Drain thoroughly and cut into 3 equal parts I’m going to fry it It is OK if the entire surface turns golden brown.

It is characterized by a refreshing ginger-like aroma and a strong spiciness. It is one of the essential spices for Asian cuisine. Peel and chop It is easier to chop by hitting it with the back of a knife. Peel and chop Cut the white part diagonally Cut the blue part into 5-6cm pieces.

Cut into easy-to-eat sizes Peel and chop Remove the stem and cut into rounds Remove the head and shell; Open the back, remove the back, and trim the tail. Wash with salt, potato starch, and egg white. odor and dirt Rinse with running water Drain the shrimp Soak in boiling water for 20-30 minutes

Make the seasoning mixture Stir-fry shallots, garlic, chilli, lemongrass and galanga until fragrant. tomato paste, tamarind Nampula, black sauce Oyster sauce kombaba leaves cassonade You can make it in bulk and use it in other Asian dishes (a slightly sour ethnic seasoning) Add oil to a hot frying pan and make fried eggs.

For a fluffy finish, fry all at once over high heat. I will finish it with high heat. Shrimp, fried tofu, green onion, bean sprouts Combined seasonings, Weiper Stir thoroughly until fragrant fried eggs Add the drained noodles and toss to coat. Adjust with boiled water Nampula Peanuts, coriander, lime Combaba’s Zest




<材料> 2~4人分
米麺 (乾麺)125g
ピーナッツ 40g(細かく刻んだもの)
ライム 1個
もやし 80~100g
青ネギ 1本(ニラでもOK)
厚揚げ 2/3丁
有頭エビ 10尾(イカや鶏肉などでもOK)
卵 2個



エシャロット 100g
ニンニク 1片
レモングラス 1/8本
唐辛子 6個
ナンキョウ 30g
トマトペースト 大さじ1
タマリンドペースト 大さじ3
ナンプラー(魚醤) 大さじ1
ブラックソイソース 大さじ1
オイスターソース 大さじ1

<Ingredients>For 2~4 people
125g Rice Noodle
 Kaffir lime
40g Peanuts
1 Lime
80~100g Mung bean sprouts
1 Spring onion
2/3 Tofu
10 Shrimp
2 Egg
 Potato starch

100g Echalote
1 Garlic
1/8 Lemongrass
6 Piment birds eye
30g Galanga
1 Tomato paste
3 Tamarind paste
1 Fish sauce
1 Black soy sauce
1 Oyster sauce
Brown sugar
 Weipa seasoning(Chinese soup base)

<Ingrédients>Pour 2~4 personnes
125g de Nouilles de riz
40g de cacahuètes grillées concassées
 Coriandre fraîche
1 Citron vert
80~100g de pousses de soja
1 Cébette
2/3 Tofu
10 Crevettes
2 œufs
 Fécule de pomme de terre
 huile pour fritur

*Pour la sauce*
100g d’Echalote
1 gousse d’Ail
1/8 Citronelle
6 Piment oiseau thaï
30g de Galanga
1 cuil. à soupe de Concentré de tomates
3 cuil. à soupe de Pâte de tamarin
1 cuil. à soupe de Sauce nuoc-mâm
1 cuil. à soupe de Sauce de soja noir
1 cuil. à soupe de Sauce d’huîtres
P.M Cassonade
 Weipa(Pâte de bouillon de volaille chinoise)





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