【沖縄 交通】絶対に知ってて損はない!沖縄のコミュニティーバス事情[ Inokuma TOURIST ]

【沖縄 交通】絶対に知ってて損はない!沖縄のコミュニティーバス事情[ Inokuma TOURIST ]

Hello everyone! And good evening! This is Inokuma from Inokuma TOURIST! This channel introduces travel information such as sightseeing spots, historic sites, transportation, accommodation facilities, and restaurants in Okinawa and Taiwan. If you watch this video and find it interesting or useful, please do a good button or subscribe to our channel.

Previously, I introduced an example of a trip to visit tourist attractions in Nanjo City using a route bus. At that time, I introduced some information about Nanjo N Bus in Nanjo City. Nanjo City’s N buses are called community buses.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s “Guidelines for the Introduction of Community Buses,” they are to be operated by “municipalities, etc. on their own initiative in planning and operation in order to eliminate areas with no transportation or inconvenient areas.”

According to Wikipedia’s list of community buses in Japan, community buses operate in six municipalities on the main island of Okinawa, including Nanjo City. Additionally, within Okinawa Prefecture, there are other bus services such as Kumejima Town Bus and Yonaguni Seikatsu Route Bus.

Other municipalities such as Higashi Village and Itoman City also operate community buses that require membership or reservations. Kitanakagusuku Village is also conducting a demonstration experiment of the Kitanakagusuku Tourist Tour Bus (Gusuku Megurin), scheduled to run until March 31, 2026.

In this video, I will introduce community buses from six municipalities that are listed on Wikipedia’s list of community buses in Japan.

Introducing from north to north: Kunigami Village Bus in Kunigami Village, Uruma City Paid Bus in Uruma City, Otori Bus in Yomitan Village, Okinawa City Loop Bus in Okinawa City, Gosamaru Bus in Nakagusuku Village, and Minami. N bus in Nanjo City.

As of October 2023, there are two routes for the Kunigami Village Bus in Kunigami Village. One is the East Line, which runs from Hentona to Oku, connecting various areas on the east coast via Prefectural Routes 2 and 70. The other line is the Oku Line, which runs from Hentona, mainly along National Route 58, and connects each village to Oku and Cape Hedo.

Each bus will operate based on reservations made by passengers, except for one train each in the upper and lower directions during commuting hours.

The Uruma City Paid Bus departs from in front of the JA Yonashiro Branch (Yakena Agricultural Cooperative) in Yonashiro Yakena, Uruma City, and passes through the underwater road to Henza Island, Hamahiga Island, Miyagi Island and Ikei Islands.

There are 7 round trips a day on weekdays and Saturdays, and 6 round trips on Sundays, with one morning flight suspended on both the upper and lower Bus. Otori Bus is a community bus in Yomitan Village.

However, unlike traditional community buses within the prefecture, Otori buses are operated without considering profitability, with the purpose of securing a means of transportation for villagers in areas with no public transportation.

Three lines operate on weekdays. One is the “North Route,” which circulates around the northern and northwest parts of the village. The second route is the “Western Route,” which circulates counterclockwise west of National Route 58 in the western, southern, and eastern parts of the village. The third route is the “southern route,” which circulates clockwise through the eastern, southern, and western regions.

Basically, it is a circular route that starts and ends at JA Yunta Market, but there are some buses that start and end at Yomitan Bus Terminal for loading/unloading and crew changes.

Also, on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, the “Holiday North-South Route” runs from Yomitan Bus Terminal, passing through the eastern, southern, and western parts of the village.

The Okinawa City Loop Bus circulates around Okinawa City Hall and other major public facilities and shopping streets located a little further away from National Route 330 in the center of Okinawa City. There are four routes: central, western, eastern, and northern routes. The community bus in Nakagusuku Village is called Gosamaru Bus.

Two buses each run on the Kuba Ryūdai Line and the Iju Futenma Line, which connect the village to the nearest bus stop to the school during morning commuting hours.

After that, from morning until evening, 5 buses each will operate on the Iju and Kuba routes, departing from Yoshinoura Kaikan and circling the village. The last community bus operated by Nanjo City is the N Bus.

In Nanjo City, before the start of N Bus service, the sales offices, branch offices, and parking lots of local bus companies were scattered throughout the city. From there, routes were mainly operated towards Naha City.

As a result, it was inconvenient to travel within Nanjo City by public transportation, so the service was started to improve convenience. Nanjo City operates six routes that start and end at Nanjo City Hall. Nanjo City also operates special routes for commuting to work and school in the morning and evening on weekdays.

Community buses are operated in the six municipalities listed above on the main island of Okinawa. In addition, there are three bus companies operating route buses connecting many major points on the main island: Okinawa Bus, Naha Bus, and Ryukyu Bus.

Why not enjoy sightseeing in Okinawa by taking advantage of the convenient bus service without worrying about traffic jams or parking?


0:00 オープニングと解説
0:49 コミュニティーバスとは
3:04 国頭村営バス
3:43 うるま市有償バス
4:17 鳳バス
5:38 沖縄市循環バス
6:03 護佐丸バス
6:37 南城Nバス
7:36 バス利用のお勧め
8:04 エンディング

BGM:YouTubeオーディオライブラリー・甘茶の音楽工房(URL: https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/)

#沖縄 #交通機関 #バス


  1. 猪熊のおっチャンネルさん、明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願い致します。 投稿ご苦労様です。  コミュニティーバスは沖縄市でも走っているのは知っていましたが、まだ利用した事はありません。バス停なども近くにありますが、何だかオジーオバーが乗る乗物というイメージがあるのと、ここ十年以上バス自体利用した事が無いのと時間が自由にならないのでどうしても自家用車に頼ってしまいますね。 免許返納してからは利用するかも知れませんね。  でも、前回紹介してもらった南城市のコミュニティーバス等観光地がある所は観光客にとって利用しやすいかも知れませんね。  
     個人的な話ですが、実は大晦日に久しぶりに晴れていたので、これまで出来なかった大掃除をしました。風呂場、トイレ、玄関、外回りの窓ガラス洗い等を行いました。その時までは何ともなかったのですが、夕方から右膝に違和感を感じていたら、段々と痛みが出て来て、紅白歌合戦が終った頃には痛くて動けなくなりました。年末だし、夜だったので救急も考えましたが、明日まで待ってみようと思いそのまま寝ました。結局正月三が日は家から一歩も出られない状態でした。三が日が終り1月4日に行きつけの整形外科が開院になったので、急いで診て貰いに行きました。レントゲンなども撮ったのですが骨には異常がなく、関節炎で少し水が溜まっているとの事でした。一応注射器で水を抜いてもらい、代わりに抗炎症剤を注入してもらいました。直ぐには効かなかったのですが、夜になると段々と良くなって来て、一応壁などに摑まらなくても自力で歩ける様にはなって一安心です。今日(1/5)は5日ぶりにやっと風呂に入れましたよ。でも階段はまだきついですね。もっと痛みが無くなれば外歩きでも再開したいです。 長々と愚痴を聞いてもらいすみません。 今年も猪熊さんにとって良い年になりますように。  これからもよろしくゴザイマス。

  2. 本年もよろしくお願いいたします。訪沖時には観光タクシーで本島巡りをしていますが、コミュニティバスでのんびりもイイかなと思いました。

  3. 猪熊さん 明けましておめでとうございます🎊


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