[鶴見マルシェ]クラフトビールや横浜産野菜が楽しめるマルシェ 生麦大収穫祭 (生麦de日曜マルシェ)

[鶴見マルシェ]クラフトビールや横浜産野菜が楽しめるマルシェ 生麦大収穫祭 (生麦de日曜マルシェ)

Tsurumi festival with Yokohama vegetables and craft beer The Great Namamugi Harvest Festival! Namamugi Station, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Festival site is a 1 minute walk from Namamugi station Walk out the ticket gates of Namamugi Station, take the west exit, and the venue is just past the pedestrian bridge

I personally like the view from the pedestrian bridge In Namamugi we have a Marche on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month, and this festival is an extension of that Marche! Kitchen cars and stalls will be lined up in a small space around the temple called Anyojiki!

With the cooperation of farmers in Yokohama city Fresh and tasty vegetables available at low prices The highlight of this event is all-you-can-stuff vegetables! All-you-can-stuff root vegetables and more for 500 yen a time! Shoppers also provide support Fresh Chinese cabbage was also sold at a discount

Vegetable prices are skyrocketing in Japan, but it’s nice to see festivals like this! By the way, I bought a lot of vegetables too. Four fresh green onions for 250 yen is unbeatable! I am very happy to buy so many delicious Yokohama vegetables! The lineup of kitchen cars was gorgeous!

The best Japanese sweets shop in Tsurumi, Yukimuan, was selling fruit daifuku, etc. Very tasty! My favorite pizza kitchen car, Kitchen 293 What a kitchen car with a stone oven inside! You can taste authentic Neapolitan pizza! You’re lucky if you see it! A must-try gourmet in the metropolitan area! TDM1874 Brewery

Brewery established by a long-established bar in Yokohama, Japan. Original craft beer for sale! Original craft beer made with Harumi brown rice is easy to drink and recommended for all! Haze the Road had a fresh aroma and juicy taste like squeezed fruit! Izakaya Mugiya at Namamugi station Original beer served

Motsuni stew sinks in during the cold season! Hot sake is good too! The motsu-ni tastes relieving! Very tasty! It goes very well with beer! Belle Epoque, a famous bakery in Namamugi, was selling bread made with high quality wheat produced in Aoba-ku, Yokohama for this festival only! Fragrant and very tasty!

Manten Omusubiya, which sells omusubi around Yokohama Tsurumi, organized this festival Spam omusubi is very popular and I personally highly recommend the chanja! Anago (conger eel) is very popular at Hisago Sushi, a sushi restaurant in Namamugi! Earth Cat, a handmade handcraft shop, sells adorable cat accessories

Tsurumi Cat Club was educating people about how to respond to disasters and runaways. There are several yurukyaras in Namamugi, and their original T-shirts are for sale! In Tsurumi, there is an activity called food sharing An initiative is underway to share unused items with those who need them Pink building near Keikyu Tsurumi station

Food is shared at Kisoya We have a marche in Namamugi on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month You might want to stop by after visiting the Kirin Brewery in Namamugi! Thank you for watching to the end! This channel provides local information mainly about Yokohama Tsurumi Kawasaki

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[お祭り]無料でも充分楽しめる寺で開催される一大フェス つるみ夢ひろば in 總持寺 [ 鶴見 総持寺 ]
[お祭り]無料でも充分楽しめる寺で開催される一大フェス つるみ夢ひろば in 總持寺 [ 鶴見 総持寺 ]

[奇祭⁉︎]修行僧達が音楽フェスの様に盛り上げる盆踊り 総持寺 み霊祭り(ミタママツリ)納涼盆踊り大会
[奇祭⁉︎]修行僧達が音楽フェスの様に盛り上げる盆踊り 総持寺 み霊祭り(ミタママツリ)納涼盆踊り大会

・横浜鶴見 最大級のお祭り 「潮田神社例大祭」「道場祭」
横浜鶴見 最大級のお祭り 「潮田神社例大祭」「道場祭」



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1 Comment

  1. 当日は小雨降るなか寒そうですが、その中で頂くもつ煮とかビールとかが逆に美味しそう!神社の周りでやるマルシェっのも何かいいですね。

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