紅白なますの作り方!切って漬けるだけで簡単!おせち料理には欠かせない!昆布だしの効いた縁起のいい一品です。-How to make Namasu-【料理研究家ゆかり】


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make Kohaku Namasu. Easy to cut and pickle! Indispensable for New Year dishes! A deep-flavored red and white namasu made with kelp soup stock. It is said to be a lucky charm that “wishes for peace in the family.” Please try making it for this year’s New Year.


・大根 300g
・にんじん 50g
・昆布 5g
・水 500ml
・酢 大さじ4
・塩 小さじ1/2
・砂糖 大さじ2

・300g Radish
・50g Carrots
・5g Kombu
・500ml Water
・4 tbsp Vinegar
・1/2 tsp Salt
・2 tbsp Sugar







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#紅白なます #おせち料理 #料理研究家ゆかり #お正月レシピ

Today, I made red and white namasu. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make red and white namasu. which is essential for Osechi dishes.

It is easy to make after vinegar because all you have to do is cut it and dip it in sweet vinegar. This dish is eaten at Osechi as a good luck charm to wish for peace in the family. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Here are the ingredients: daikon radish, carrots, kelp, water, vinegar, salt, sugar.

First of all, the daikon, in its current state, is about 300 grams. In terms of length, the radish is about 7cm long. This is just a guide. And the carrot will be 50g. Prepare less carrots than radishes because of their stronger color. In terms of length, carrots are roughly 3 cm long.

And this time we want to use kombu dashi, so we will use kombu. If it is too much trouble, you can use granulated kelp dashi. As for vinegar, either grain vinegar or rice vinegar is acceptable. In this case, I will use grain vinegar. For a more mellow finish, use rice vinegar.

I will immediately make it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making them. First, I will make kombu dashi. First wet kitchen paper with water and wring out the water. Then wipe the surface lightly.

If you wipe off too much, you will wipe off the umami, so wipe off lightly like this. OK. This is about right. Then put the kelp in the pot. Then put water in here. And leave this in the water for 30 minutes. 30 minutes have passed.

As you can see, the kelp has spread greatly. Then I will put this one on the fire. Then I will put it on the fire. Going to put it on a low-medium heat. This will heat the mixture to just before boiling. Remove the kelp just before boiling because boiling will cause gouging, etc.

I just heated it to just before boiling. Turn off the heat when the skin of the pot starts to puff up a bit. Then remove the kelp. Now the kombu dashi is complete. This kelp is ready to eat, so please use it in some dishes.

Then, since I will be using 6 tablespoons of kelp dashi, please take it off the heat and let it cool. Then cut the daikon radish. First, peel the skin with a peeler. The skin does not have to be peeled thickly, so I would suggest you peel it with a peeler.

Peel the skin like this. The peel of daikon radish can be used to make kinpira, which is a delicious dish. Then I cut this daikon into pieces of less than 5 mm in size. Cut the radish along the fibers.

After cutting, then align several pieces and cut again with a width of less than 5 mm. When cutting in this way, be sure to cut along the fibers. Radishes are now ok. Cut it like this, just under 5mm wide. Then put this one in a bowl. Keep it in like this.

Now let’s continue with the carrots. Let’s peel it first. Then cut the carrots a little bit thinner than the radish you just cut. Roughly 3mm is good. Then I’ll cut this one roughly 3mm wide. Cut the carrots like this. Then put the carrots in the bowl as well.

Once you have both in the bowl, sprinkle some salt here. Then blend it all together. OK. Then stick a tight wrap on the surface. Then press down lightly with your hand. And leave it like this for 10 minutes. Ten minutes have passed. Unwrapping.

If you turn it at an angle like this, you can see the moisture like this. So I’m going to squeeze out this water once firmly. Squeeze it out firmly. Then put it in a storage container. Now let’s squeeze the rest the same way tightly. OK.

The rough heat of the kelp broth has also been removed. Then I finish the sweet and sour sauce. Add sugar and vinegar to kelp broth. Then mix well. Now dissolve the sugar. Now the sweet and sour sauce is ready. Now it’s time to turn the daikon and carrots. Then blend well.

After blending, place a tight plastic wrap over the surface again. Then let it sit for about 30 minutes to let the flavors blend. Adjust the blending time to your liking by tasting. Easy recipes at home This is the completion of the red and white namasu. This is how it turned out.

The taste is well blended and delicious like this. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Let’s eat. The flavor is well blended and very tasty. And the balance of this kelp dashi, sourness and sweetness is very good. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today’s recipe turned out delicious.

This is the point of namasu this time. First of all, kombu dashi is used this time. When making this kombu dashi, first of all, please remove any dirt from the surface of the kombu.

Then soak it in water for 30 minutes and heat it just before boiling, so it is very easy to make. If you boil the water, the kelp will become bitter, so just be careful not to boil it. And as for the daikon radish, you can peel it thinly.

As for the daikon, you can cut the daikon into thin strips of about 5mm or less, and cut the carrots a little thinner than that for the best results. Then sprinkle salt all over and let sit for 10 minutes. This will release the water and remove the giblets from the vegetables.

The water should be squeezed out before seasoning. The water release helps the flavors to blend together. The rest is just dipping in sweet vinegar, so it’s very easy. I used regular white sugar this time, but I also recommend using cane sugar. Can do it however you like.

This red and white namasu is a good-luck item that is filled with the meaning of wishing for peace in the family. It is very auspicious, so I hope you will make and enjoy it for the New Year. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. Easy recipes at home Today I made red and white namasu. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


  1. 昆布だしでつくる甘酢だれ、お腹に優しそう。

  2. お正月🎍の定番、大好きです!

  3. 基本の昆布だしの取り方まで教えてもらえる、貴重な動画。

  4. 紅白なますは良く作ります。先生のレシピで年末に沢山作ってお正月に家族みんなで食べたいと思います🎍

  5. 嫁いで義母に最初に教わったのが紅白なますでしたが、だし汁を使ったなますはこれまで作ったことがありませんでした。来年のおせち料理はだし汁を使ったなますを作ってみたいと思います。

  6. 私は干し柿を細切りにして‥混ぜて作ってます。だけど干し柿が年末は高くなるので、ケチケチ使ってます😅

  7. 先日クリスマスでフライドチキン作らせていただき、めちゃくちゃ美味しかったです!素敵なレシピをありがとうございました♪

  8. 50代料理好き男です。ウチでは家族や親戚みんなが大好きなので、市販の物では足りません。なので毎年シチュー鍋一杯分位の量(大根丸2本分くらい)を作っています。

  9. 市販のものではなく手作りしたいと思っていたところなのでありがたいです✨️いつも感謝しています😊


  10. いつも参考になります!

  11. ゆかり先生✨毎度楽しみにしています!クリスマスのチキンも美味しく頂きました💖

  12. こちらの地域ではなますは豆腐が入った白和えのことを言います。春に亡くなった母が作る紅白白和えが大好きでした。残念ながら私は食べるだけで…。

  13. 紅白なます手作りしたことがなかったのでチャレンジしてみます!質問なのですが、高齢者向けに作る場合大根と人参を茹でて作っても大丈夫でしょうか?その場合調味料など気をつける点はありますか?

  14. この間教えて頂いた 冷凍エビをプリプリにするやり方 ビックリです!本当にプリプリになって 夫に褒めてもらいました! 先生は天才❤になってます!! なますも作ってみます 有難うございました!

  15. このなますを作るとお正月が来るんだなぁ~って感じます。

  16. お正月の定番のなますですが、我が家では常に作り置きしていてサラダ感覚でよく食べます。ちなみにきゅうりも加えて3色なますです。昆布だしは作った事ないので、チャレンジしてみたいです。ありがとうございます。

  17. おせち一品一品の作り方あげてくれる料理研究家素晴らしい🕊️💖💐

  18. ゆかり先生、いつも、いつも、丁寧で分かりやすいご説明、有難うございます🥰なます…何故か、大好きで、正月じゃなくっても、作ります…

  19. お正月の練習がてら、本日の夕食に作ってみました。

  20. さっそく、動画みながら作ってみます!

  21. とても美味しいです❤

  22. 昆布が無いので残った浅漬けの素で作ってみようと思います。義父が作った大根と私が作った人参を使います。

  23. 早速作りました😊

  24. 今日作ってみました😊

  25. たった今、年越しそば戴きました。もちろん、教えていただいたサクサクのかき揚げをのせて!他にも、なます、伊達巻、お煮しめ、鶏チャーシューを、ユーチューブ眺めながら作りました。全て美味しく出来ました。ありがとうございます。お正月が楽しみです☺️

  26. 紅白なますも 伊達巻きも 海老のうま煮も 筑前煮も 美味しくできました!

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