


0:00 上野駅🚃
0:56 オープニング
2:31 動物園🐶
4:46 パンダ
14:38 アメ横🤤
17:11 昼のみ
19:30 夜ごはん

#日本語字幕 幕
#女ひとり旅 旅



  1. i suggest you go to shibamata (柴又駅/しばまたえき) which is good idea.

  2. Adorable twins baby panda 🤗❤ thank you already shared this Yua, take care always

  3. It was a great trip Yua-san, the Pandas were adorable glad you get the chance to see them. Thank you so much 🥰🤩🐼🐼

  4. 今回も素敵な街の紹介ありがとうございました!(´▽`)
    ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

  5. Yua-san, the animal you didn't know the name of is an Aoudad Sheep. 🙂

    Thank you for the trip around Ueno. I liked the zoo! I never saw penguins outside before! I've only seen them inside.😆The zoos where I've seen them always kept them in a room that was kept very cold for them. 😉

    I hope to visit Japan one day and thanks to your videos I now plenty of ideas of things to see and do! ☺

  6. 🥰🥰🥰日本の生活についての素晴らしい洞察です。日本の美しさにはいつも驚かされます。次の旅行を楽しみにしています🥰🥰🫰🏻🥰🥰🫰🏻🥰🥰

  7. That was a fun vlog, Yua-chan.
    Pandas are adorable that's why they attract crowds of people.
    I'd surely take note of the place Ueno coz it's a must-see for me!

  8. こんにちは。また今週動画UPされるのを楽しみにしています!ありがとうございます。👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️😘🎶

  9. 🐼🐼🐼 are beautiful. Another very good video and certainly the Ueno Zoo is a very interesting place to visit in Japan.

    Can I make a suggestion? Make a video talking about the place you are visiting so your admirers can hear your voice. Since we can't see your face, at least we can hear you. 🙏 😀

  10. 매주 영상 항상 기대하고 있어요 영상 에피소드 하나하나가 너무 아름답고 유익해요.😆

  11. ユアさん、こんにちは。上野はいろいろあるので、好きな場所です。上野動物園は小学校一年生の時に一回見に行って、ランランとカンカンを見ました。アメ横は飲食、薬局、雑貨、家電、ゲーム、居酒屋、ないものはない!っていうほどたくさんありますよね。夜に行かれた「炭猿」の居酒屋さん、美味しそうな食べ物や多数のお酒が揃っているみたいなので、飲みに行きたい店だと思いました。ユアさん、上野を紹介してくれてありがとう!応援してます☆

  12. A good time was had by all, Yua. I noticed that shop had Kokichi's brothers and sisters available to buy. I would buy one. 👋😅🍜

  13. Loved the zoo and cute pandas! Another great trip, Yua. 🐼 I am curious about the cones, they are green in Japan? They are always orange here. 🤔

  14. Great to see you back with a video Yua! 😍 Did you see any red pandas? I saw them on the park sign there! We even have them over here in a park close to me in Sweden, crazy right? I was at the Ueno Zoo back in 2014 and I remember it was raining then as well hehe! Isn't it the best drinking some alcohol after a long walk? as you say you really feel it soaking into you then. Great little ASMR there! 😀 the sake was good huh? See you next time!

  15. hi @ 🇯🇵 ,
    endlich wieder ein Video von dir. 😃 Ich dachte schon du hast keine Lust mehr Videos zu machen 😁 hatte diesmal so lange gedauert. Mich interessieren auch Japans Straßen und Geschäfte. 😎 Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland 🫰 🇩🇪

  16. Great tour of the zoo Yua! Great food that you ate with the beer and sake! Pandas are so cute! They just love to eat!

  17. Urban parks are a common point of reference for many large cities. It was interesting to see the Japanese take on this. Thank you, hope you are well

  18. おつかれさま、ゆあさん❤めっちゃ心配してました

  19. Yua-san🎉 it is good to see you back with another great video. Thank you, for giving a tour of the zoo.

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