日本三大曳山!大興奮の秩父の夜!【秩父夜祭2024】Chichibu Night Festival 中近笠鉾 下郷笠鉾 上町屋台 中町屋台 本町屋台 山車 日本の祭り 4K 埼玉県


秩父夜祭 2024年12月3日

約300年前に始まったちちぶ夜祭は、京都祇園祭、飛騨高山祭とともに日本三大山車祭りの一つとして知られています。 傘鉾と呼ばれる2台の山車と、屋台と呼ばれる4台の山車があります。秩父夜祭は、ちちぶ神社の一大祭です。 豪華な山車を曳いて、ちちぶの街を巡り、山車の中では歌舞伎が披露されます。 夜空には花火が打ち上げられ、多くの参拝客で賑わいます。

Drums that sound like thunder! The shout of “Horyaai!” The hot Chichibu festival begins in the cold sky! Kasaboko and Yatai heading to the shrine! The famous rakugo performer Hayashi Taihei also sprints!
Chichibu Night Festival December 3, 2024
The Chichibu Night Festival, which began about 300 years ago, is known as one of the three major float festivals in Japan, along with the Kyoto Gion Festival and the Hida Takayama Festival. There are two floats called Kasaboko and four floats called Yatai. The Chichibu Night Festival is a major festival of Chichibu Shrine. Gorgeous floats are pulled around the town of Chichibu, and kabuki performances are performed inside the floats. Fireworks are launched into the night sky, and the festival is crowded with many worshippers.
The origin of the festival dates back to the mid-Edo period, when a raw silk market was held within the shrine grounds. The festival’s charm lies in the colorful lanterns swaying from the floats against the backdrop of fireworks exploding into the winter sky.
The floats and kagura dance of the Chichibu Night Festival have been designated as Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Japan.

秩父夜祭 2024 年 12 月 3 日
秩父夜祭始於約300年前,與京都祗園祭、飛騨高山祭並稱為日本三大花車祭之一。 有兩個花車稱為kasahoko,四個花車稱為yatai。秩父夜祭是秩父神社的一大祭典。 豪華花車在秩父町周圍行駛,花車內上演歌舞伎。 夜空中燃放煙火,神社裡擠滿了參拜者。

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